You think you have a growth mindset, but do you? | Luna Leverett | TEDxRoseville

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These days so many people judge others based on their "achievement" (the outcome) instead of the effort. I often hear people say: If you don't get the result at the end, what's the point? I think to some extent it's true (we all want that end result). But I think it's also important to appreciate the effort, the strategy, even the trying. Your talk reminds me that it's okey to appreciate my every single step along the journey.


This deserves millions of an outstanding talk and great way of delivery. She's so inspiring. I was struggling with this thing for quite sometime, this talk gave me the insight....Thank you so much....I'll forever be grateful for the wonderful knowledge and inspiration ❤️


Hope you continue to grow Ms. Leverett...thankyou for the talk


Great talk! Love how she gets us looking in the mirror to determine if we really have a growth mindset.


Luna! You are SUCH a gifted speaker! This was wonderful, meaningful, intriguing and so worth my time to watch. Well done!! Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us.


1. Find a good teacher
2. Celebrate your efforts
3. Persist, persist, persist
4. Ask the people who succeeded how they did it


Excellent ted talk, you were Brilliant. Thanks a


I was so bad at volleyball at school, that both teachers and students hа tеd when i had to play. Than one day at the university's dormitory i saw a group of people playing volleyball. They played for fun, not for score and they did not know that i am terrible. They asked me to join them. It was the first time i laught playing the game. I was still pretty bad, kinda slow and awkward, but people did not care. I was surprised that i can strike the ball and get it up in the air. I can pass it to someone and not into the celling. I'm never going to be good at sports, but now i know it can be fun to play. If someone, mayhaps me, had enough patience to make me doubt that i'm terrible, i'd be (probably not good, but) not as bad as i was.

To be honest, i'm not into sports and being good at them never was and is still not what i want. That's veeery far from my dreams. But still, it would have being nice if i had fun at volleyball classes insted of dreading them and hаt_ ing every second.


I love your performance. It's great.


Important message building up on Carol Dweck.
Could have been said in less time.
