How To Do A Russian Accent FAST

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Unlock the secrets to mastering a Russian accent with our comprehensive guide! In this must-watch video, we provide you with practical tips and techniques to quickly develop a Russian accent for your acting roles or just for fun. From understanding the unique characteristics of the Russian accent to mastering the pronunciation of key sounds, we break down the process step-by-step, making it easy and accessible for individuals of all levels. Whether you're preparing for an audition or simply want to learn the Russian accent for fun, this video will equip you with the tools you need to nail the Russian accent in no time. Watch now and take your accent skills to new levels!


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We Russians don't say "respYEct". We palatalize the "p" sound instead, so this word is pronounced like this [riˈspʲekt]. Though you Americans do this mistake when learning Russian. You pronounce "пять" (five) and "себя" (self) like [pjatʲ] and [seb'ja] instead of [pʲætʲ] and [sʲɪˈbʲa].
[kh] is not a literally two sounds, it's a [χ] sound. So the "how" is pronounced like [χaʊ]. We also use "kh" when translate a Russian "Х" letter into latin symbol, but you americans think it's [k] and [h] sounds together... What is reflected in the pronunciation of some toponyms.
[vw]... I really hear this the first time. We just pronounce [v]


OMG, this video perfectly explains why the Russian accent in Hollywood movies bears no resemblance to reality.


2:54 nope, never :) I think you've confused Russian accent in English with English accent in Russian :)) English speakers find it hard to pronounce the link like "не" (like in the word "нет", so it sounds like "nyet"). Also it's good to know that we have incorporated the english word "respect" into our slang language and use it from time to time, we don't pronounce it as "respyekt".

Other than that, респект автору 😀


I'm not Russian - actually Australian, but I'm heavily invested in learning the Russian language and accent. I think if you want to learn any accent, then you must learn the language (at least the basics and the sounds of the script/alphabet).

But from what I know and gathered from the comments, the Russian accent is quite relaxed/soft with not much tongue or lip movement/posturing. English-speakers tend to think of the Russian accent as harsh or aggressive, like German, but most sounds in Russian are relaxed and/or muted compared to English language and pronunciation.


Ощущение, что автор почерпнул значительную часть своего спича из американских боевиков


I'm a native Russian speaker. My foreign boyfriend used to ask me to speak like the guy in the video. Somehow my natural Russian accent wasn't enough "Russian" for him, lol.


As a native Russian, I have to say it's not the way we actually pronounce these sounds. Some of them - ok, it's quite similar to what we do, but some are not even close


Ну как всегда клюква - как сделать "русский" акцент для голливудского кино. Кто-нибудь хоть раз слышал фразу "Мньйе ньядо за клебом"


Have a chemistry exam tomorrow . What am i doig


as russian i can say, we don't speak "A/E" sond like ie, respect prononce is no respiect or resp'ect, in this case we use more specific. Yes, E sounds more thinly, but at the same time, more consistent, without sound dropout, without tone floating, with no EE sound after P. this difference is very clearly felt between native speakers and actors imitating russian speech in american movies, especially if you are russian :) in russian this sounds like респЬект or респИект, when it should sound like респект without any additional admixtures in the E sound. This is very strongly felt by the russian ear)


Finding myself here as a Russian just may be the funniest thing, I don’t naturally have an accent, but I love playing around with them and surprisingly still can do it when I want to. I would really love a video on the Transatlantic accent, it’s such a deep need in my heart, and I would love to learn it better!


in Russian language we don't use any “KH” combined sound. It’s the same thing as English [H], but with another position of tongue. You can use “K” sound to set right position of your tongue, then make a tiny gap between tongue and palate and make exhale. That's it, no need to make very strange “K+H”.
To sound more realistic with “E” the “Y+E” should be heard as one sound. To make more flat and realistic Russian “E” sound you have to make a wide smile while pronounce


I am Russian and this was very accurate


Американский акцент русского акцента английского языка. Потрясающе!


It sounds not as real Russian accent, but fake “Russians” in Hollywood movies


Well, it is a Hollywood Russian accent, not the real one. In reality, Russian accent is quite soft, lips and tongue are mostly relaxed, pharynx is not so constricted as it is in English. That's why the first thing you need to actually learn to do is to relax your tongue, lips, pharynx and rely on vowels more than on consonants while speaking. Consonants should sound very soft most of the time. Russian articulation is quite similar to the Portugese one .
and, btw, /r/ sound is much softer, we don't speak with a trill, /r/ sound in Russian is soft and muffled in most cases.
what you did by adding 'y' sound in every other place is also completely unnecessary. We do have 'y' sound but we use it only at the end of some Russian words and almost never when we speak English simply because there's no need to put additional sounds where there are none.
for /h/ sound you do not need to add /k/. just remove excessive airstream and make it sound softer.
All in all, it was a good attempt anyway, thanks for your great work:)


То чувство, когда я смотрю иностранное видео для того, чтобы понять в чём проявляется мой акцент😅


All these pronunciations really sound like a Russian accent, except for this one 3:04 . As a native speaker, I immediately hear that this is definitely not a Russian speaker. "Respyect" or "hyeck" doesn't sound like Russian at all.


I’m Nigerian and I must confess I love the Russian language more than any other signature of air vibraiting arooound my year (👂)
