Implement A Binary Heap - An Efficient Implementation of The Priority Queue ADT (Abstract Data Type)

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Question: Implement a binary heap (a complete binary tree which satisfies the heap ordering property). It can be either a min or a max heap.

Priority Queue ADT (Abstract Data Type)

The ADT's Fundamental API

peek() (which is basically findMax() or findMin()) is O(1) in time complexity and this is crucial.

A heap is one maximally efficient implementation of a priority queue.

We can have:
-) a min heap: min element can be peeked in constant time.
-) or a max heap: max element can be peeked in constant time.

The name of the heap indicates what we can peek in O(1) time.

It does not matter how we implement this as long as we support the expected behaviors of the ADT thus giving our caller what they want from our heap data structure.

A binary heap is a complete binary tree with a total ordering property hence making it a heap with O(1) peek time to the min or max element.

We can implement the heap with actual nodes or we can just use an array and use arithmetic to know who is a parent or left or right child of a specific index.

Insertion into a binary heap:

We insert the item to the "end" of the complete binary tree (bottom right of the tree).

We "bubble up" the item to restore the heap. We keep bubbling up while there is a parent to compare against and that parent is greater than (in the case of a min heap) or less than (in the case of a max heap) the item. In those cases, the item we are bubbling up dominates its parent.

Removal from a binary heap:

We give the caller the item at the top of the heap and place the item at the "end" of the heap at the very "top".

We then "bubble the item down" to restore the heap property.

Min Heap: We keep swapping the value with the smallest child if the smallest child is less than the value we are bubbling down.

Max Heap: We keep swapping the value with the largest child if the largest child is greater than the value we are bubbling down.

In this manner, we restore the heap ordering property.

The critical thing is that we can have O(1) knowledge of the min or max of a set of data, whenever you see a problem dealing with sizes think of a min or max heap.


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Table of Contents:

Plugging The Channel 0:00 - 0:36
The Problem Introduction 0:36 - 1:13
A Heap Is Not An ADT 1:13 - 1:43
The ADT Priority Queue 1:43 - 3:39
The Min and Max Heap 3:39 - 5:50
Insertions & Removals On A Min Heap 5:50 - 8:57
Our First Removal 8:57 - 11:16
Continue Insertions 11:16 - 13:20
Our Second Removal 13:20 - 15:21
Our Third Removal 15:21 - 15:54
Continue Insertions 15:54 - 17:47
Notice Our Heaps Contents 17:47 - 18:32
Time Complexity For Insertion & Removal 18:32 - 19:35
Wrap Up 19:35 - 20:00

The code is in the description fully commented for teaching purposes.


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Thank you for the awesome explanation. Looking forward to more of your tutorial videos


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Hello Sir!!!
I am from Myanmar student who is learning Software Engineering.
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This is literally a legendary video lol. I am learning BST and Heap in my data strucutres class and i understand majority of the BST stuff, but the heap was like, easy to understand but weird as hell to understand that its no longer an ADT etc. You did a great job explaining all this.


this channel is the reason i'll pass my data structures class )': thanks so much man please keep making these videos!! you really explain stuff so in-depth.


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ben: "we're missing one child, that's fine"
