Inflationary Cosmology as a Laboratory for Primordial Quantum Mechanics (Antony Valentini)

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Lecture from the mini-series "Cosmology & Quantum Foundations" from the "Philosophy of Cosmology" project. A University of Oxford and Cambridge Collaboration.
Inflationary Cosmology as a Laboratory for Primordial Quantum Mechanics (Antony Valentini)
Inflationary Cosmology as a Laboratory for Primordial Quantum Mechanics: Q&A (Antony Valentini)
1. Inflationary Cosmology: Is Our Universe Part of a Multiverse? Part I
New Inflation Data: Trouble for Cosmology?
Lecture 40 - The Big and the Small The Inflationary Universe
Did Repulsive Gravity Jumpstart the Cosmos?
Inflation: A New Universe is Born with Alan Guth
Mysteries of Cosmic Inflation | Episode 906 | Closer To Truth
The Majesty of Galaxies: Exploring the Unknown 2024 | Space Documentary
2. Inflationary Cosmology: Is Our Universe Part of a Multiverse, Part II
LNS 1992 Symposium: On the Matter of Particles - Alan Guth - Inflationary Cosmology
Robert Brandenberger (McGill): Is inflationary cosmology consistent with fundamental physics?
Here are 3 ways a Multiverse could exist.
Robert Brandenberger, Does Inflationary Cosmology Suffer From Fine-Tuning Problems?
Lecture 24: The Big Bang, Cosmic Inflation, and the Latest Observations
Inflation - Lecture 1
Unraveling Cosmic Inflation Mysteries
Inflationary Cosmology with BICEPs - Chao-Lin Kuo (SETI Talks)
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