New Inflation Data: Trouble for Cosmology?

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In the 7 years since BICEP2 first claimed detection of primordial B-mode polarization, cosmologists have continued to whittle away at the allowed parameter space within which inflationary gravitational waves could have been produced. These observations have added powerfully constraining data
Recently, a team of colleagues completed an analysis of all the data from the South Pole experiments BICEP2, Keck Array, and BICEP3 through 2018, and correlated the results with results from the CMB space missions Planck and WMAP. Data from the latter two satellites are primarily used to remove the foreground contamination from interstellar dust, which was the culprit behind BICEP2’s original claim in 2014
The BICEP team’s new results improve the previous best constraints on B-modes by a factor of two, and powerfully constrain or eliminate many of the kinds of models of inflation previously believed to most accurately describe the earliest moments of the cosmos.
Almost all simple models of inflation — those first proposed by Alan Guth and others — are now thoroughly ruled out. Does that spell the end for inflation? Where are cosmologists turning next?
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.151301
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Recently, a team of colleagues completed an analysis of all the data from the South Pole experiments BICEP2, Keck Array, and BICEP3 through 2018, and correlated the results with results from the CMB space missions Planck and WMAP. Data from the latter two satellites are primarily used to remove the foreground contamination from interstellar dust, which was the culprit behind BICEP2’s original claim in 2014
The BICEP team’s new results improve the previous best constraints on B-modes by a factor of two, and powerfully constrain or eliminate many of the kinds of models of inflation previously believed to most accurately describe the earliest moments of the cosmos.
Almost all simple models of inflation — those first proposed by Alan Guth and others — are now thoroughly ruled out. Does that spell the end for inflation? Where are cosmologists turning next?
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.151301
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Thanks to UCSD's StudioU's Treb Padula
Please watch: ""I understand Quantum Mechanics after this discovery!" Stephen Wolfram"