Parental Alienation and THE UK COURTS

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In this video Baldip Singh, a will discuss Parental Alienation and the way the UK Courts can deal with such issues....

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I'm going through the same thing perimeter alien Nation army of 50 50 Custody😊


Hi Baldip, can you do a video on the effects of parental alienation on the targeted parent. E.g after 2 years of being alienated, how does this effect the targeted parents mental health and does the court take this into account🙏🏽


What if it is Social Services Alienating the child while in foster care, bad mouthing the parent and the child becomes hostile and hateful to the parent, what then?


£35k in legal fee for child arrangement order 7 years ago. Since then dozens more court appearances, 2 Cafcass two legal firms and barristers 5 years false allegations and parental alienated now for 2 years family courts are destroying live.


My ex has only been enabled by both the judicial and criminal systems in his parental alienation campaign. To the point that he has also been allowed to control where I can or cannot go in my immediate residential area despite him living 8 miles from me, and it is he who is coming to the area in which I live. I’ve been left without any where to turn. I have two other children in my care who are also unable to see both their brother and sister all because of my narcissistic obsessed ex. He has been successful with the help of third parties to continue his stalking, harassment and controlling coercive behaviour towards myself, and my whole family. I can’t believe in the 21st century that things like this even still go on. The abusers seem to get away with it all. Is it a wonder we have a society so full of mental health issues.


What the hell is this music doing in the background??? How do you think this adds something while you are speaking? Please do not add background music to any of your videos when you are talking. It only detracts from the video.


This has been great to watch. A very informative video, which also looks good.
I love that you used the words 'bad-mouthed' hahaha (relatable).
Thanks for this video.


Thank you for this vid. I hope that the law changes.



The parents behaviour towards the other parent makes dislike the other parent.

It's a flawed theory.
