3 Easy Ways to Mix Songs With No Intros (2023)

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0:00 - Understanding 2 Types of Songs
1:35 - First Method (Echo)
2:30 - Second Method (Loop)
5:10 - Why DJs don’t Stream or use Radio Edits
6:27 - Third Method (Prep and Cue)
7:46 - Cue Method
8:28 - Question of the Day


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Which technique was the best?


I always use a 4/8/16 beat loop. It's basically like having an extended DJ intro that you can control. ☘️


Another trick I have used a time or two is to put a 1 beat loop on the first beat of the verse and slowly fade it in as the previous song reaches the end. It gives a hint as to what the next song is without losing all the surprise factor.


Ive always been amazed by how you make even simple mixing sound so good. For me, starting out I felt like I wasnt getting it right. But people started telling me how much they loved my mixing. But I just couldnt see it, i figured they were fluffing me. Then I listened back to some of my recorded mixes and saw my progress. Quite amazing how natural it becomes with a lot of practice. Many thanks to YOU for all of your super helpful tutorials and everything else. Your demeanor itself is confidence building. Im almost a full year in and your lessons really helped me get started confidently. Now I am about to upgrade from a DDJSR2 to a Rane One and I am SUPER pumped. Now its time to up the ante and start working on more complicated scratch transitions and we all know thats the funnest way to mix. Theres only about 4 really good scratch DJs in my city that I know about. Our market is wide open in my city as clubs are always looking for dedicated performance DJs but they usually have to bring them in from out of town because no one does it here anymore. They only radio mix out here. Because the scratch djs here dont know how to do it without annoying everyone or overdoing it. I understand that just some subtle tricks during the mix is plenty. And you dont do it every single transition. And you dont go into 4 minute scratch routines out here. People want to hear the song and dance and sing along. So I like to use some FLAIR only when its time to rebuild the dancefloor and get people engaged again. When they get tired i slow it down a bit. Then moderately build back up and implement some minor tricks to get them back out. DJing is too much fun.


This video was really helpful! A lot of songs that we have been DJing have been radio edits, so we realized that echoing was working for us. But, the looping technique is something I am definitely going to try out!☘️


Love the loop technique. Find it really great and simple to use if a song f.e got like a synth or something melodic in the first 2-4 bars and just filter it in until the main tracks chorus is done and then just delay it out and switch to the next song. Sounds best when the tracks match harmonically offcourse.


Carlo, everytime I get discouraged I watch your videos. I immediately feel refreshed after... You're amazing man... THANK YOU FOR WHAT YOU DO


It's a helpful video. I learn a lot.😍🥰


Always enjoy your videos kabsat…I like the echo, and the ghost transitions. It takes practice to master these skills. Also, understanding the music count helps…Another great content.


That ghost blend is an interesting trick! It seems like you could just drop transition to the next song, but having it timed out and playing certainly frees up your hands to play with effects on the other deck! Cool video! 🍀


Very useful tips. Can’t wait to try them out!! 🔥🔥🔥


Wish there was a video on this earlier! I actually learned how to DJ from your other videos about a year ago. But everything you talked about here I had to figure out on my own lol! But it did make learning the fundamentals fun with trial and error


5th method, echoed backspin into hitting the post, esp works if transitioning into a more hiphop/rap oriented track. I love to do it whenever I drop Medussa by Griz and Wreckno


A much needed video !!! Thank you for this amazing !


Love it!!...I have so many of these songs from all my old itunes songs from back in the day that I bought ...I was avoiding playing them for this reason. I love the cue point one the best..I can tap a beat pretty good since i used to play some drums when i was a kid..lol


Thank you for the amazing tutorials as always 🍀


Thank you for the good tips! I like the looping technique the most! 😁🎧🍀


The cue method is what I've been using for literally 20 years, since back in the day we couldn't see wave forms, and it was much easier to interactively use the cue to extend the intro.


Honestly, all technics you show in this video i did use it most of the time, thank you bro for such amazing video


As I mainly working with radio edits I use loop to keep transition more smooth than just echoing it out but either of these methods are just working on gigs. As always - great job Carlo! ☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️

Also, I have an idea for another video. Maybe you will make one about catchy transitions using original songs and it's modern, sampled versions? (Like More Spell On You by Eddie Johns vs One More Time by Daft Punk). It will be great!
