Thought transmission is REAL - how to use it to manifest ANYTHING fast!

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Thought transmission is very real AND you are doing it constantly! In this video I'm telling you how to consciously use this power (that you've ALWAYS had and have always been using to inform and create your reality)so that you can manifest your preferred reality more quickly. You will absolutely manifest everything and anything you want when you truly grasp the information I'm giving you in this video.

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One time waiting at the supermarket checkout there was a person with a guide dog. The dog was obviously as bored as the rest of us in the line. I decided I would radiate heart energy, love to the dog, just to see if anything would happen. The dog immediately perked up, looked at me, wagged its tail and stepped towards me. I had not said anything, or moved, just radiated from the heart


The older I get, the more I realize that this is real.


Manifesting happier versions of strangers has always been my favourite part of going to the shops to buy something! 😊
Every time I interact with a cashier I simply look them in the eye and say (not it words - but with loving energy) “i see you, wonderful being”, and in so doing, I witness an instantaneous change within them, that is instantly visible on their face.
I do this to everyone, and the more miserable they are, the more excited I am to have the joyful privilege of planting an energetic seed and awakening the love/joy/happiness within them.
I’m like jonny applseed! Tossing seeds of positive energy wherever i walk! And the best part?… its so damn EASY!
I remember (20 years ago) being a young man working at a sunglass store:
I didnt sell many glasses (and I didnt make much money), but by golly was I (and every single customer who was lucky enough to come into my store) enriched in every little interaction.
Ahhh the simple joys eh?

To know that you are manifesting happier versions of people who then go out into the world feeling better and treating others better! YOU are a nexus point that transmutes the energy of SOULS all around you!

Anyways, bless the lot of ya! 🌟❤️


Repeat, I choose to live in easy world where everything is easy. Things will start to get weird.


This is so true. A few years ago, I met an autistic child who could write down instantly anything you had just thought or even wrote on a piece of paper yourself. He told me many things about myself and other people around me. It changed my life forever.


When the student is ready, the teacher appears. Thank you🙏❤️


What I've learned is that my face shows a lot more of my thinking than I thought it did. Even when I smile on the inside, people can see it.


"This video found you for a reason" ❤️


I know this is real because when my Grandma was ill the whole family came to visit. When we had a moment alone I chatted with her until she dozed off and then I began to pretend I could see inside her body and kept thinking “I release health and energy.” I had only been doing it about 1 min when her eyes shot open and she asked me in a startled kind of way what I was doing. For some reason I got nervous and just said nothing. A few months later she fell terminally ill and I started to do the same thing for a few minutes everyday. Finally I feel like I received the message that I was keeping her here and she was ready to go. The day after I stopped she passed away. I believe she’s in a much better place.


While in the middle of watching your video my almost 2 year old toddler woke up from his sleep crying as he always does couple of times in the night. I usually have to hold him until he falls asleep and sometimes it takes up to 20 to 30 minutes and I have to put him back down in his crib so gently because if he wakes up, he cries again so you could hold him. Anyway, he just woke up and I went into the room. I held him and I immediately started to tap into his consciousness and I was telling him words that I am safe. I am loved. I am enough. Everything is OK. Everything is peaceful and I can sleep comfortably knowing that I am completely safe. I did this for a literally one minute and he fell asleep immediately, and in a very deep sleep, he was already snoring. I am now back to continuing to watch the rest of this magic video. He never ever has fallen asleep so quickly after he wakes up. so thank you so much for this amazing information. Sending light and love to you.❤


Sylvia Browne taught that "thoughts are things" over 20 years ago. I never forgot that.


I manifested instantly out of rage all the time so you can manifest using good and negative energy as long as you say it with conviction in your HEART, the heart sends out electric magnetic frequency for sure !!!!


Thinking resentfully/ judgementally about those closest to me is something I really need/want to work on.


I am heavy into all things consciousness and this is HANDS DOWN the BEST video that I have ever had watched. You’re a great teacher doing important work, thank you!!🙏


I was at a convention once and found myself staring at the speaker, direct eye contact, and nonchalantly thinking that he should tuck his shirt in. While still continuing his story and staring back at me, he slowly started to tuck his shirt in. I was freaked out!


I've experienced this. When my daughter was growing up I used to tell her that pretty soon no one would be able to lie about anything because everyone will know what everyone else is thinking lol. And it's so TRUE. What a huge beautiful responsibility... Sigh❤


Yesterday (before I saw this video) I attended a workshop and there were supposed to be 8 people, but only 2 of us showed up because it was storming outside. I sat in the front row at the front desk taking notes, when the speaker decided to pull his chair up to the opposite side of my desk and speak demonstratively to us flailing his arms on the desk as I was writing. I decided to ask him telepathically to move away from the desk so I could write without him shaking my table. In about 5 minutes he moved COMPLETELY away from my desk. I was shocked 😮. This stuff works y’all


Wow! What an awesome video. It has came to me at an opportune time in my journey. While listening to I decided to pause and practice it. There was a lady in a wheelchair heading down the sidewalk. I closed my eyes and put myself in her perspective and really felt true love for myself and had gratitude for all that I have. I felt this so complete I shed a tear. When I opened my eyes she was smiling ear to ear. Neat :)


I LOVE this. Using your “powers” or your state of consciousness to positively impact those around you who may be in a rut or a state of being that they can’t shake themselves out of. This is what the power of tapping into consciousness is all about for me!


Appreciate the clarity about the “everyone is you” concept.
