Thought Transmission - Was That Them?

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I get a lot of questions about whether we can feel other's thought transmissions towards us. This viewer asked a great question that illustrates how we can experience these transmissions and how that may transpire (at least one example)

I think this analogy has helped me tremendously. It has made it far easier to allow things to happen. To let things comes to fruition. Let things mature on their own. Let things cook...
Dan RadioStyle

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Sony FDR-AX33 Camera
PV 10AT Board
Artist: Ferraro

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Books that are special to me:

Big Time Spiritual Books:
By Drunvalo Melchizedek ( I love this guy. The Ancient Secrets Books are amazing, highly recommend them):

I'll add more as time comes. There are many books I love. :)


Movies I recommend (I watch crazy stuff too, just doesn't seem appropriate for this venue :)

I do talk to Alexa a bit more than I should...

11:11 Awaken Manifest Soulmate Love Awakening
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I've had that happened so many times. Random thoughts about people out of nowhere, then later... I realize those odds aren't coming from me but to me. You said it so well.


Dan! I like these short videos! You get sidetracked a little less. Hoho!


Funny u posted this, I had this question in my mind this morning. Thx Dan!!


Thoughts and what we do with them, like the beauty of the unseen the loudness of the silence and greeting the sunrise of a day of unknowns...the mysteries of life...


I like this short answers.. I don't have so much time to watch your videos. More please of this :*


OMG awesome 👏😎 bite size morsels like Agnes’s videos!!! Woohoo 🥳🎉🎊🍕😍🥰🤪


I’ve always thought that was someone else behind you...

But now I think it’s just you 😹

Anyways, thanks Dan the Man ❤️


Good responses to the questions however what's up with the short blurbs? I'd rather have one long video to listen to then have to keep going video the video. Just my 2 cents.


I was doing the Ho’ oponopono for my ex yesterday and the next thing you know she’s texting me all this hate and blame? Polarity sucks sometimes


Dear universe
I create my reality

Dear universe
All I want already exist
I am so happy and grateful
I create my own reality

I know I'm already my crush lesile is my love I know already that I'm going to take her out on a date I know already she loves me and wants to be together I Know I'm already going to pass my drivers test and get my license I already know how to drive I know I'm already going to get all. A's in my credit classes at Montgomery college I know I'm already going to get 30 credits and transfer to university of Maryland I know I'm already going to get all A's at university of Maryland I know I'm already playing for university of Maryland football team averaging 4 sacks a game I know I'm already winning hisman award I know I'm already going to win a national championship for university of Maryland I know I'm already going to graduate from university of Maryland with my bachelors degree and diploma I know I'm already going to the NFL combine and run a 4.0 I know I'm already drafted in the first round I know I'm already going to buy my mom a house I know I'm already living in a billionaire mansion I know I'm already averaging 10 sacks a game in the NFL I know I already broke the single game sack record from derrick Thomas I know already that i broke the season sack record from Micheal strahan I know im already married to a beautiful wife I know I'm already a 5 time MVP I know I'm already a 12 time super bowl champion I know I'm already a hall of famer I know I'm already a billionaire I know I'm already the greatest defensive of end of all time

Thank You universe
Thank You Allah
Thank You Trenius
