iPhone 13 Review: Lowkey Great!

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iPhone 13 improves the 3 most important parts of a smartphone.

Intro Track: No Fear No More - Madeon

Phones provided by Apple for review.

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Finally someone appreciating that most people do not upgrade phones every year.

We need more reviews comparing new phones from 2-3 generations back


Just upgraded from 7 to 13.

So far my impressions are:
•the screen is genuinely nice to look at, even when locked - blacks are black, whites are white - OLED does wonders;
•the battery is miles ahead of what i suffered on 7 - i’m pretty sure i could go, as Marques said in the video, for two days without charging;
•the sound is loud and good. I’m not a sound expert, so i haven’t got much to say.
•the slight buttons’ shift seems to be more comfortable (i have used 11 for a month and remember the need of having to reach for the power button);
•the cameras - they’re good for what they are, i guess. The reason i’m saying this is because i’ve been using mirrorless and DSLR cameras for the last five years and my idea of a good quality picture is formed/influenced by them.
•the power - i don’t really do anything requiring power - gaming etc - so can’t comment. But A15 chip is something even 12pro max is lacking. So there’s that.

In conclusion: would i recommend this phone? Absolutely. If you don’t want to spend 1000$ and want a good phone - this is a pretty good choice. I would go as far as calling it “fantastic”.

Thanks, for your attention.

Update (2 august 2022): Guys, thank you all for the wholesome thread we made here, it’s really cool and i feel like i’ve started something positive (even tho we’re somewhat engaged in consumerism😆).

But i’ve got slightly bad news: i broke my phone😁. Not completely, just the back glass. I’ve no idea how it happened, one day i look at it and it’s in pieces. It was under a case too. I guess that face-first fall from skateboard did it haha.

Anyway, doesn’t really bother me - 99% of the time i’m looking at the screen.

UPDATE 24.11.2022: i’ve recently updated to iOS 16.1.1 and i’ve got bad news — the battery took a big hit. I don’t know why, but it drains significantly quicker. It’s really sad, because battery was one of the biggest pro’s of this (non “pro”..) phone. 😭🫡

Update 1.1.2023: battery health is 90%.

Update: June 1 2023.

It’s rather dire, i’m afraid. Which is why i was kind of reluctant to write an update. I didn’t want to ruin this positive imagine i inadvertently created.

But, alas, i must. Here goes it.

Either due to my unhealthy overuse or inherent flaw with the battery, — it decreased immensely (in quality). To the point of having to carry around a charger or power bank everywhere, because otherwise it would suddenly shut down. It was unpredictable and unreliable. The battery damage was so great that it bloated and lifted the screen on one side.. I tried to live with it for a while, but it wasn’t manageable.

So i went and did the inevitable: replaced the battery for a new one.

P.S. I suspect this is the fate of many iPhones, the sudden and or accelerated deterioration in the battery department over time.

Does this mean iPhone is a bad choice? I guess it depends on the person, but as to me, so far, i’m not even thinking of going to Android. Because i would choose deterioration of battery over deterioration in user experience.


Just got the 13 and it is hands down the best phone I’ve ever had the pleasure of using. The style along with the beautiful green color is like using a piece of art as a phone .


For me iPhone 11 to the 13 was a big overall improvement, everything looks clearer and sharper and the Color’s have more pop to them, blacks have different shades, even the speaker is louder and clearer on max volume


I upgrade my phone every 4 to 5 years on average.


I still have an XS and am still super happy with it. I love seeing the new iPhones come out and the new features, but honestly, there hasn’t been any reason good enough for me to upgrade to a newer iPhone since the X/XS era. Not a bad thing, just interesting!


I learned something new today. Yes, I upgraded from 1st Gen iPhone SE (128GB) from 2017 to the iPhone 13 Pro (1TB). What a treat and joy to constantly fine new features and shortcuts to this wonderful little device. Nice video!


I just upgraded from the XR a few days ago and I’m absolutely in love with it! Lighter sleeker and the quality in color and definition of picture and videos is beyond what I expected.


It would be amazing if the studio channel had more behind the scenes shots, especially your intros they are always 👌🏻


I upgraded from my XR to the 13 and I notice a HUGE difference with the camera quality and the battery life.


I went from a 5s, to a 7, and now I’m getting a 13 for this thanksgiving. In 10 years, I’ve had 3 phones total. The upgrade feels HUGE


I went a full 3 days once on my iPhone 13 had mine since March and I’ve very impressed as my battery capacity is still sitting on 100 battery capacity and cinematic mode is really cool definitely a step up from the 12 but looking forward to seeing if the 14 has any major changes


it’s a relief to hear someone finally tell everyone that there’s always someone with a 2-3 year old phone that is looking up upgrade.. I swear if you listen to most people, you’d swear that wasn’t the case!


Zack talking in the background and MKBHD saying Zack's iconic sentence, "Scratches at level 6 with a deeper grooves out at level 7" made my day.


Coming from years of fingerprint readers, and being super skeptical of FaceID as my main authentication method, I actually love it and find it more fluid.


I think the iPhone 13 is probably my favorite iPhone to come out since the 7. I’m really glad they squared up again. I just got the iOS 16 beta and I’m loving the phone even more. I’m falling in love with apple products all over again 🥰


So I’m upgrading from my dinosaur of a phone, the iPhone 6s. It’s finally giving out, but has served me well. I’ll be getting the iPhone 13, and I feel like I’m not going to know what to do with it because it’s so much more advanced, lol. Looking forward to enjoying better battery life, and the new camera. Thanks for the review, was very helpful!


The Zack thing at the end made me more giddy than I thought it could.


Upgraded from iPhone 7 to iPhone 13
It’s a huge leap in performance, battery life, cameras, day-to-day usage..
Getting 7-8 hours of screen on time (note: I’m not a gamer, use it for calls, texting and taking photos/videos here & there)
Low light photography is great
Display is sharp & crisp
And it’s an iPhone so everything just works….!

Great product by Apple


That moment when Zack passes the tools is so wholesome. Even if its just a voice edit.
