Piano Exercises For Beginners (Speed, Dexterity, Hand Independence, Control)

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These 4 exercises are fantastic for anyone wanting to improve their speed, dexterity, hand independence, and control. Although these exercises are geared towards beginners, they can be used by any level as a great way to 'wake up' the fingers and develop muscle memory.

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Here are the four exercises and their timecodes:

1. The Five Finger Sale - 0:20

This exercise uses the five finger scale to work on control and hand independence. Start slow, and make sure that you are always in control of the notes you are playing.

To make it more difficult, you can try playing one hand smoothly (legato) and the other hand sharply (staccato). To make it even MORE difficult try it with each hand playing a different length note.

2. The Contrary Motion Scale - 3:10

This scale sounds fancy, but it's not as hard as it sounds. Start with both thumbs on Middle C. Then play the C scale UP with your right hand and DOWN with your left.

When you're comfortable, start experimenting with dynamics, to control the volume.

3. The Solid Claw - 4:55

This is called the claw because we make a claw shape with our hand, and use our 1, 3, and 5 fingers to play a chord. Once you can play a chord, work your way up the keyboard to play a chord on each note, and come back down again.

If this is too difficult, you can take out the middle finger for now, and just use the top and bottom notes.

4. The Broken Claw - 6:19

This is very similar to the Solid Claw, except instead of playing the notes as chords, we are going to play each one separately. This exercise can be very challenging, so make sure you take it slow.

These lessons vary in difficulty, so if you can't do them all, that's ok! Work on what you can do, and practice to get better. If you can do them all, that's great! Work to get them faster, and check out some of our more advanced exercises on our channel.

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Lisa Witt has been teaching piano for +20 years and in that time has helped hundreds of thousands of students learn to play the songs they love. Lisa received classical piano training through the Royal Conservatory of Music, but she has since embraced popular music and playing by ear in order to accompany herself and others. She is a songwriter and recording artist. Lisa’s contagious enthusiasm will have you excited to practice and return to the keys for your next lesson. Her teaching style focuses on you, making lessons encouraging and fun.

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Ready to level up your playing? Get personal coaching tips and structured lessons: enjoy your free 7-day trial to Pianote!


38 years old and just starting. Seems daunting at times, but an instrument I always longed to play but never took the initiative. Wish me luck!!


This girl is THE best piano teacher that I've found so far on Youtube.


I am a 75 year young lady, learning to play my keyboard, thank you for your tips and advice


having played the piano for over 10 years without any tuition, i have never really drilled any exercises like this and now find it really hard to do as im not used to it. feeling like a total beginner!!


71 summers I have seen, and this is one of the best drills for hand independence I've ever seen.


Maam thank you so much for this, I actually do this every single day and I put a timer on for 15 mins. I am seeing myself improving little by little. Every day I feel like my fingers are getting stronger and my placements are getting more and more accurate. Anyone trying to learn piano, I am telling you, you gotta practice this every single day for at least 15mins and you will see the difference in about 6 days. Good luck to everyone who is trying to learn the piano.


Her: "That's exercise No.1".
Me: "What! that was just 1!"


74 years of age and have been wanting to play piano for years. I have a teacher who teaches a lot of theory but, I really like what it is that you provide: actual hands-on drills on the keyboard, teaching the fingers! Your drills let me get in touch with the instrument in a very real way and I have progressed a lot since I starting following your teachings and, you know how to talk and instruct. You are so very pleasant to listen to. Thank you so very much for this.


I am 62 years old and because of you I am starting piano lessons this next Tuesday, September 3rd. Thank you!


80 years old next year and starting off as a beginner to keep my fingers from seizing up and keep my brain active learning challenging new skills. I'm so thankful for your lessons they're brilliant.


I can play the piano well now. Thank you very much.
Now if anyone asks me if i had a piano teacher, i can gladly say yes.
Thanks again Pianote.


I am 69 and had a small stroke in August. You really can't tell. Because the brain has remarkable plasticity and can recover parts that have been injured, or make new ones, I decided to learn how to read music and play keyboards. I have played guitar by ear in bands much of my life but could improve that too. But one thing at a time. I am brand new at keyboards and liked your approach. I love doing worship music and was excited that you have someone that focuses on that!!! I am a retired RN. Pamela




I am 874 years old and finaly decided to learn piano. I played a little of harpsichord whet it was popular, but don't remember much now. Thanks for the video, wish me luck everybody!


I love how much positivity you radiate. Whole video feels green.


I'm 70 years old. Just started your exercises. I am in love.


When I started "The Claw" exercise, I was shocked to see that the chord progression was much harder to do with my right hand (my dominant hand) than my left hand. Really threw me for a loop then I was browsing youtube and was watching a guy play a classical piece on guitar and then I realized that my left hand was much more flexible an independent from years of playing guitar. At least I have the dexterity in my left hand lol.


My heart broke when she said “that’s exercise #1” at 3:11 excellent teaching!


99 years of age and im still going strong, thank you pianote.
