Michael Jai White on People with Big Egos Like Michael Jackson & Prince Dying Early (Part 15)

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In this clip, Michael Jai White reflects back on his friendship with Eddie Murphy, during his prime years as a comedian. He then shares his thoughts on the various celebrities who have large egos vs. the ones who do not. During the course of this discussion, Kanye Wests' name came up, along with Prince, Michael Jackson, and the artist formerly known as Terence Trent D'Arby.
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In defense of Michael Jackson, he was singing in bars and clubs til late night when he was still in elementary school. He was a major success with their first album in 1969. He was on the Ed Sullivan show back then, and it was a major success. He's never had the chance to be normal. So what you may have perceived as ego, was who had grown up in the music business to be. In the black community, and I'm 67, you can't imagine how adored he and his brothers were to us.


They're misinterpreting Michael having a ego to being eccentric, anyone who's actually met him have say he was one of the most humble people out there.


I’ve watched dozens of interviews from people who knew MJ for years .. I never once heard an ego story


MJ was extremely humble especially considering he was the most famous person on earth


considering that this dude had NEVER met michael jackson, it’s interesting that he thinks he can speak on michael’s character. and besides, michael was known to be VERY humble. we’re talking about the most famous person to walk this earth after jesus. i mean, look at his kids. those children are so lowkey. paris is the only one who’s really in the business but even she’s very private. blanket doesn’t fw social media at all, and prince minds his business. they’re all very down to earth kids, and that’s because their dad raised them that way, which speaks to michael’s character as a whole.


I don't know about Prince but I didn't see Michael Jackson as egotistical. Seemed like a humble guy to me..


You don’t reach that level of success without having sone ego. But both Michael and Prince showed humility throughout their lives. And to suggest dying young is a result of that is foolish and judgmental.


Michael Jackson might've been the most humble biggest humanitarian in the celebrity world and the world shit on him constantly. Maybe he should've had a bigger ego. ❤️ Michael Jackson forever


Michael Jackson was living a life I couldn't even comprehend what it was like.people screaming for you everywhere, people around you doing whatever you asked and happy to do so and when I look at all they have accomplished I think they damn right to have a little ego, if they had it.thats the same ego that pushed them to greatness in the first place


I would say Michael was one of the most humbling artist of our time


I would’ve never thought that I would see the day to hear “ego” and “Michael jackson in the same sentence” that man was a walking definition of a low self esteem.( not talking about his skin, i know he had a skin condition and lupus)


Michael still right to this day has the world record for the most giving celebrity


Michael Jai White just totally took me down a rabbit hole with Terence Trent D'arby. I never really knew much about the guy. He was really dope


People forget Micheal brought Prince out on the West Coast and had the producers of Right On Magazine do a full scale article on him and put him on the cover. This was before Prince even put out his first album.He also introduced Prince to Jame Brown. That’s not what egomaniacs do


Michael Jackson is the only artist to have hits in 5 decades, the sixties, the seventies, the eighties, the nineties, the 2 thousands. I'm sure like millions of other people, Prince grew up looking at Michael Jackson. The difference is I've never heard any bad stories about Michael Jackson working with other people, Prince, Oh hell yeah 😎


Michael Jai White has a bit of an ego too! He just has a different style when it comes to displaying it.


I feel that it's unfair to say because he had a live in doctor, Michael Jackson had a big ego. His stardom couldn't afford him to do a LOT of basic things we take for granted....and he has been a MEGA SUPER star since under 10yrs old. Imagine being one of the most iconic figures to ALL


Michael don’t let Vlad mess up your friendship with your celebrity friends


MJW a lot of time speaks out of his ass and talks about people he never knew


Michael was one of the most humble person you can find as a matter of fact too damn humble thats why people took disadvantage of him stop lying on his name
