Integrate SonarQube with Jenkins Pipeline | Sonarqube Integration with Jenkins Pipeline Script
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In this Video we are going to cover Integrate SonarQube with Jenkins Pipeline | sonarqube integration with Jenkins pipeline script
#sonarqube #jenkinspipeline #jenkinscicd
Real Time Online Training and Support on Jenkins CI/CD, GitLab CI/CD , Docker, Kubernetes, Helm, Prometheus and Grafana, ELK Contact: +91 7972240872, +91 8600167617
0:00 Integrate SonarQube with Jenkins Pipeline
7:00 Sonarqube Integration with Jenkins Pipeline Script
stage('clonning from GIT'){
stage('SonarQube Analysis') {
def scannerHome = tool 'sonarqube'
withSonarQubeEnv('sonarqube_token') {
#sonarqube #jenkinspipeline #jenkinscicd
Real Time Online Training and Support on Jenkins CI/CD, GitLab CI/CD , Docker, Kubernetes, Helm, Prometheus and Grafana, ELK Contact: +91 7972240872, +91 8600167617
0:00 Integrate SonarQube with Jenkins Pipeline
7:00 Sonarqube Integration with Jenkins Pipeline Script
stage('clonning from GIT'){
stage('SonarQube Analysis') {
def scannerHome = tool 'sonarqube'
withSonarQubeEnv('sonarqube_token') {