How to Integrate SonarQube With Jenkins

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Timecodes ⏱:
00:00 Introduction
00:09 Overview
00:31 Starting point
00:59 Install SonarQube Scanner for Jenkins plugin
02:11 Configure a SonarQube server in Jenkins
03:11 Create authentication token in SonarQube
03:53 Create Secret Text credential
04:19 Create a pipeline job
07:19 Review the demo project in SonarQube
08:40 Add a webhook to SonarQube
10:42 Re-run pipeline job
11:33 Why should you integrate SonarQube with Jenkins?
#jenkinstutorial #sonarqube
Information referenced in this video:
Jenkins LTS 2.289.3
CloudBees on Twitter:
Darin on Twitter:
Timecodes ⏱:
00:00 Introduction
00:09 Overview
00:31 Starting point
00:59 Install SonarQube Scanner for Jenkins plugin
02:11 Configure a SonarQube server in Jenkins
03:11 Create authentication token in SonarQube
03:53 Create Secret Text credential
04:19 Create a pipeline job
07:19 Review the demo project in SonarQube
08:40 Add a webhook to SonarQube
10:42 Re-run pipeline job
11:33 Why should you integrate SonarQube with Jenkins?
#jenkinstutorial #sonarqube
Information referenced in this video:
Jenkins LTS 2.289.3
CloudBees on Twitter:
Darin on Twitter:
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