'To the Preacher' - The Idolatry of Intelligence, by Leonard Ravenhill

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#1) We call it intelligence, God calls it pride.
#2) My heart is full of Christ, not my head is full of theology! My heart is full of Christ and longs this glorious message to declare!
#3) You don't need know your Bible... You don't need to know the word of God, you need to know the God of the word!
#4) Where is the confrontation of the MEN OF GOD?
#5) Prayer grasps eternity. It doesn't demand a colossal intellect. It doesn't demand a vast vocabulary.
#6) Do you think you can find a Church on earth that fits into that pattern?
#7) We are boasting about something we don't have! ...It's Theology. It's a Phrase. It's a Technique.
#8) Do you know, in those revivals, never once was there an altar call? Do you know, when there's a revival you don't make an altar call?
#9) Listen, there isn't a Pentecostal Church in America today!
#10) There isn't a revivalist in America today... not one!
#11) No mention of the pew, it's all on the pulpit. Let the priests weep... Let them rend their hearts. Let them howl.
But where in God's Name do you get taught to howl in prayer?
#12) If you want to know how popular a Church is, go Sunday morning. If you want to know how popular the preacher is, go Sunday night. If you want to know how popular God is, go to the prayer meeting.
#13) Listen. Forget our seminaries! There's no anointing in them!
#14) Do you know what you do when you go to seminary? You get a swollen head and a shrunken heart.
#15) I say, if your preacher doesn't weep, you weep over the preacher!
#16) Tell me this, do you have a course on weeping for them? And if they graduate, do you have a course on howling?
#17) It originates in God. (Speaking of the Anointing, Gift, and Call to Preach)
#18) Would like to pass your mantle on to me? No, but I'll share you some of my sackcloth... and I never hear from them again.
#19) They were unlearned and ignorant men... the Holy Ghost came upon them. Not intellectuals, bishops, & presidents of colleges.
#20) God's going to bypass organized religion and systems before very long... I believe that many denominations are breathing their last right now.
#21) The Church has become so carnal... the glory of the Lord doesn't fill the Temple!

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This is now my best preacher. God led me here.


“There are wise men in heaven that could not read or write when they were on earth, and there are learned fools in hell that had degrees after their names like the tail of a kite. Man is a moral wanderer in this present world but he becomes a moral fool when he has shut out the voice of God.” --A.W. Tozer


Leonard Ravenhill was a prophet voice cryng the teribille state of today crestianity in special in America because we had forsaken the REPENTENCE and DEEP PRAYER LIFE.
And now the last times are so near...small time left to return to TRUE CHIRISTIANITY, TRUE REPENTENCE and TRUE FELLOWSHIP ZWITH GOD. Our teology had make as blind. We are poor and we know not (Revelation 3.15-19)


"How can men listen to the word of God and not catch fire." I go to a Bible college right now, and It feels like we are taught only to be still as we hear the word. There is hardly a hint of brokenness institutionally.


"It is possible to know all about doctrine and still not know Jesus.  A person's soul is in grave danger when the knowledge of doctrine surpasses Jesus, avoiding intimate touch with Him."  --Oswald Chambers


None of us have anything to say.  Bro. Ravenhill said it all.


I got introduced to Leonard over twenty yrs ago after being born again. I am so graceful to GOD!


This is a profound message and I give all glory to God that I have been blessed to hear it! Thank you!


A true prophet of God says... "I'm a little tired today; I think I'll only spend 6 hours in PRAYER." Amen.


It's good he was called home back in the 90's. He couldn't handle what is happening today...


😭😭😭Oh God. I need my life to be fixed on you. My eyes are so distracted. Take me back to the day when you called me and saved me. Broken and a mess. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭Spirit of the Living God, burn all the sin within me. Consume me Lord.


Theology doesn’t save you. Church attendance doesn’t save you. Works doesn’t save you. JESUS CHRIST DOES


This man makes passion seem like holding back..


This is so true.

Before God could use Moses, who was trained in the wisdom of the Egyptians, he first had to learn to trust solely on the Lord.
Then and only then could God use his natural ability for his glory


Father God thank you for your words coming through this preacher. In Jesus Christ.


And 12b for preachers and all who are Christians: "Do you know God?" ("well, I have a degree")..."I didn't ask you that, I asked you do you know God? When did you last have an encounter with God?" I want to ask this of almost every preacher in every denomination I have been associated with in my 6 year search for a place to worship. He is so right in #20! I have finally found individuals who are on fire for God but not many preachers...some but not many...and certainly not in "pentecostal" circles.


The Word of God is alive! It is living bread!


Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James 5 :16 It is the fervent prayer . I am so grateful for Bro. Ravenhill .


Brother Ravenhill. My goodness. He says it all and if his message makes you upset or angry or doubt what he is saying. Then examine yourself. Examine yourself to see if ye are in the faith. Theology fancy arguments all puffed up pride. Examine yourself and see if ye be in the faith. Be careful how you react to what this Brother says. Be very careful. Examine yourself to see if ye be in the faith. There aren’t many these days. Be very careful if you object to what this man says. Examine yourself!


A very convicting man. Many points to ponder. No wonder it’s a narrow gate and very few find it. Revival starts with us. We need to get ourselves right. Do I know God? Am I repentant? Do I have a big head and a small heart? How is my pray life? Bible reading?
