The Swift Programming Language Book: Advanced Operators - The Video Version

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This 28-minute video is an unabridged presentation of "The Swift Programming Language (Swift 5.6)" book chapter "Advanced Operators"

This video covers:
Bitwise operators
Bitwise NOT operator
Bitwise AND operator
Bitwise OR operator
Bitwise XOR operator
Bitwise left shift and right shift operators
Shifting behavior for unsigned integers (logical shift)
Shifting behavior for signed integers (arithmetic shift)
Overflow operators
Value overflow
Signed integer overflow
Precedence and associativity
Operator methods
Prefix and postfix operators
Compound assignment operators
Equivalence operators
Custom operators
Precedence for custom infix operators
Result builders

This video (and all similar videos based on Apple's "The Swift Programming Language" book) are provided with monetization turned off.

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