The Swift Programming Language Book: Generics - The Video Version

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This 31-minute video is an unabridged presentation of "The Swift Programming Language (Swift 5.6)" book chapter "Generics"

This video covers:
The problem that generics solve
Generic functions
Type parameters
Naming type parameters
Generic types
Extending a generic type
Type constraints
Associated types
Extending an existing type to specify an associated type
Adding constraints to an associated type
Using a protocol in its associated type's constraints
Generic where clauses
Extensions with a generic where clause
Contextual where clauses
Associated types with a generic where clause
Generic subscripts

This video (and all similar videos based on Apple's "The Swift Programming Language" book) are provided with monetization turned off.

Рекомендации по теме

10:34, Can you explain what ':' does in the return statement right after nil


07:51, small typo should say stack instead of static on point 5
