From Raw Chord Progressions to Full Songs with Chord Sequencer
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It's no secret that Reason's Chord Sequencer Player MIDI effect makes creating great chord progressions easy, fast, and even fun! But the right combination of chords is just the first step on your way to a full song. In this song cook-up, Ryan shows us how he goes about customizing Chord Sequencer presets to inspire full songs. He'll be showing how to add dynamics to your progressions, modify and customize chord voicings and performances, as well as some VERY useful control voltage cabling tricks that can take your chord progression from a single instrument to the driving force behind a full song's production! If you've already got Chord Sequencer, you'll want to update to version 1.1 to get these latest features.
Contents of this video:
0:00 - Intro
1:58 - Adjusting whole-chord velocity
4:18 - Copy/Paste Chords
6:05 - Altering Chord Voicings
7:31 - Individual note velocity
9:08 - CV cable to bass line
10:19 - Plucktown, USA!
13:49 - Adding vocals & vocoder chords
16:32 - Outro