Lump or bumps underneath the skin? Benign Mesenchymal Lipoma

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Feel lumps, bumps or mass underneath the skin? Doesn't really bother you but curious to find out what it can be? Check this video out to see if this describes you and if you need to see a doctor for further examination.

#lumpsunderskin #lipoma #bumps
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Very helpful info...So on point and sincere. The professionalism of this presenter is just so remarkable


Thank God I found this video!! I have those suddenly on my calves in various places and have been going nuts trying to find out what they could be.


I love the way you you pronounce every word so well ! You are an amazing speaker ! I really appreciate you 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Mine is a little bit smaller, about a centimeter and moves up while I close my fist and returns to the wrist when opened. Just saw it yesterday. I was shocked. Thanks for the info. Better see a doctor for confirmation. ♥️👍


I have 3 behind my ear under the collar and on the shoulder that don’t hurt and aren’t visible and I’m so glad that they aren’t cancer


I have so many of these. One time I asked a military doctor if they were cancerous. He laughed and said "If you had that much cancer in your entire body, you would already be dead". I was shocked by his statement, but it put my mind at ease.


This is a cyst, cyst can be painful removing it is also hard as there’s so much sebum the sebum can be even within the skin making large bumps


Thank you for the knowledge. I feel a lot better now now I can sleep at night I thought it was a cancerous tumor but it's not thank you


In my mom case after biopsy she was diagnosed with glomous tumor in her right auxillary last May 2019 and the doctor said it's a rare case but sad to say they need to amputate her right thumb were the tumor located.In January 2021 my mom found out that She had a small lump in her right under arm and we consult her doctor and the doctor took some test MRI and BIOPSY etc.We're really devastated when the results came that my mom has LIPOSARCOMA and it already spread in her lungs.In April 2021 my mom diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and last July 10, 201 my mom lost her battle.😭😭


I'm in my 40's and got a couple on my left thigh when I was pregnant in my twenties. Now I have 4-5 about marble size, a couple are a little bigger and it feels like fatty tissue under the skin on my right thigh. When I squeeze it, it dimples like fatty tissue would. Though, I still worry that it's liposarcoma or soft tissue sarcoma. I read a lot of things online. No pain, but I like to mess with them and fantasize about cutting into my flesh and popping them out, lol.


I have one on my left cheek a little underneath my eye, it's sometimes hurtful but not always, it's growing rapidly, it's hard, it's causing discomfort and is aesthetically unpleasant.


Do we need to show for general physician or general surgeon doctor for this issue?


Could you give information regarding Dercum's Disease to educate others about this rare disease that causes hundreds of painful angio lipomas to grow all over. I am trying to raise awareness to doctors mostly because very few know about it or how to treat it.


I was doing a triple jump and got sharp pain on my lower left leg, where the peroneus muscles are. I did massages, took some rest but I still had mild pain on the same place, most intensively when I'd do explosive exercises. I took 1 month off. When I was massaging my leg I could feel a bump underneath (not visible at all from the outside), and when I put good pressure on it, it would cause pain. It felt exactly like a bump: you glide your finger through the peroneus muscles, from start to finish, and somewhere in the middle you can feel a pea-size bump (you can tell that it's not flat). After that, I took a 3 month break and went to the doctor. The X-rays and MRI's didn't show anything, neither did the Ultrasound. I got told that my tendons and muscles were allright, and I got prescribed some anti-inflammatory pills and physiotherapy. After the whole 3 months of mud baths, seawater and leasure, I went back to sport. No pain, no anything, but when I massage my leg, I can still feel the same bump in the same place, not a difference in size, still hard and immovable, without pain. What worries me, is that it could cause me discomfort again. I massage my legs twice a day and try not to think about it. Any suggestions ?


Really found this much helpful Thank you so much


I have 5 lumps that are painless and 0.2-0.4cm in size, they haven't grown. They are below my sternum and when squeezed it forms a small ball that has something white in it


I started to workout and change my diet and they started to turn into jelly was pre-diabetes


I have like a 10 of them in my hands and two near my back


Hey there I have one of these. I’ve had it for years. It doesn’t hurt a single bit and it hasn’t grown. I am a natural overstresser so I just want to ask if it’s nothing to worry about or if I should talk about it to a doctor. Thanks a lot have a great Day!


In my case, it started with a small lump right beneath the skin under my arm. You can actually see the bump. Its a little bit hard but not painfull. Now I noticed theres another two under my chest, 1 in my abdomen, and I can feel theres another 2 forming. I started feeling bloated and back pain is persistent. My doctor suggested for me to undergo Full abdomen ct scan with triple contrast. As per the result, theres no abnormalities or whatsoever. The dictor said maybe this is due to anxiety. He told me to go under surgery for this lump to be tested if benign or malignant. Im scared. Not with the procedure but with the possible result. Im getting anxious with panic attacks
