Teleology, creativity, and evolution – A conversation with Mark Bedau

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Mark Bedau is a philosopher of biology who, in a series of papers in the 1990s, put forward the view that biological functions should be analyzed in terms of the good of the organism. In this extended conversation, he discusses his value-based theory of biological teleology, its implications for cultural evolution and the evolution of artifacts, the connection between teleology and morality, and the notion of hypercreativity.
The seminar is based on the following paper:
Mark Bedau, “Objectifying values in science: A case study”. In P. Machamer and G. Wolters (eds): Science, Values, and Objectivity. University of Pittsburgh Press, 2004, pp. 190–219.
The seminar is based on the following paper:
Mark Bedau, “Objectifying values in science: A case study”. In P. Machamer and G. Wolters (eds): Science, Values, and Objectivity. University of Pittsburgh Press, 2004, pp. 190–219.
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