Pythagorean Pathways! Time is not the image of eternity: Noncommutative negative mass as antigravity

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Why Time is Not the Image of Eternity: Pythagorean Pathways as Bounded Finite yet Eternal Noncommutative Time proves Negative Mass-energy Resonance from ancient music theory
"The non-commutative interval group considers intervals as pathways rather than sums....we inspect also the free non-commutative group F = Ž P, Q of ‘pythagorean pathways’, which is generated by two letters P and Q representing octave P8 and fifth P5, respectively."

Noll, T. (2007). Musical intervals and special linear transformations. Journal of Mathematics and Music, 1(2), 121–137. doi:10.1080/17459730701375026

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“To save this situation one is guided by the physical fact that there exist signals with finite support in the time variable and also in the dual frequency variable, such as a music signal.”
“The disappearance of quantum particles is not “annihilation” in this same sense, but it is somewhat analogous: these putative counterparticles, Elitzur posits, should possess negative energy and negative mass, allowing them to cancel their counterparts.”
“Quantum Physics May Be Even Spookier Than You Think,” Scientific American, 2018
“I wonder if the rise of interest in symmetry in mathematics somehow went along with the rise of equal temperament.”
“Therefore, the appearance of the superluminal photons in curved spaces is possible and does not necessarily violate the causality.”
Cai, R.-G. (2001). Superluminal noncommutative photons. Physics Letters B, 517(3-4), 457–461. doi:10.1016/s0370-2693(01)00995-9
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” a Klein bottle has no inside or outside….First, a Klein bottle is a one-sided manifold, whereas a torus is two-sided. Therefore, certain cycles on the former visit the same triangle twice: once on the “front” and once on the “back.” …
R. W. Peck, Klein-Bottle Tonnetze, Music Theory Online 9 (2003).
“The protocol uses pairs of photons that are “hyperentangled”—simultaneously entangled in more than one state variable, in this case in polarization and in orbital angular momentum—with a restricted number of possible states in each variable.”
This means that eternal time is finite due to the noncommutative photon that is superluminal as created and powered by the relativistic mass of the ½ spin noncommutative curved spacetime. For example the Superdense model of quantum signals, developed by my quantum mechanics professor Herbert J. Bernstein (also the first professor of Lee Smolin) relies on a noncommutative torus or donut model of reality with both the orbit and spin being entangled at the same time.
“What makes our new scheme work is a restrictive set of states. The analog would be, instead of using a sphere, we are going to use a torus, or donut shape. A sphere can only rotate on an axis, and there is no way to get an opposite point for every point on a sphere by rotating it—because the axis points, the north and the south, don’t move. With a donut, if you rotate it 180 degrees, every point becomes its opposite. Instead of axis points you have a donut hole. Another advantage, the donut shape actually has more surface area than the sphere, mathematically speaking—this means it has more distinct points that can be used as encoded information.”
Donuts, math, and superdense teleportation of quantum information
Siv Schwink
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Where's my spam bot comment yet? I feel deprived.


Oh man I am still trying to figure out my dimension lol. Sometimes I wish I understood this stuff.👍
