The Hague travel guide | Netherlands 4K

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The Hague (Mauritshuis Museum, Boskoop, Japanese garden in Clingendael Park, Rotterdam) | Netherlands travel guide4K, The Hague Netherlands city tour, The Hague Netherlands beach, The Hague Netherlands university
The purpose of our visit to The Hague is a visit to the Mauritshuis Museum which houses the most beautiful Dutch paintings from the Golden Age to the 17th century such as those by Rembrandt and Vermeer. Then, in Boskoop we embark for a pleasant walk on the canals between some of the nine hundred nurseries on the site. A stopover is welcome in Scheveningen, a district of The Hague on the shores of the North Sea. In the afternoon, we will discover the Japanese garden in Clingendael Park before reaching Rotterdam, the end of this four-day tour.
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