11 Hidden Interactions That Will CHANGE How You Play Baldur's Gate 3

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00:00 Always See Speak with Dead Targets
01:04 On Receiving Her Grace
02:09 Demonspirit Madness Immunity
02:57 Shield of the Undevout
03:51 Hidden Interaction with Camp Supplies
04:24 Hidden Interactions with Traps
05:04 Astarian’s Taste Test
05:35 The Hidden Item that Doesn’t Appear for Everyone
05:59 Rare Ending Cinematic
06:30 Speak with Dead on Origin Companions
07:03 Help the Murderous Bird


Always See Speak with Dead Targets
First up is how to always know which Corpses you can use Speak with Dead on by making them always glow green. Most players miss a lot of the corpses that can be spoken with since the green glow on corpses only appears after you’ve cast the spell once that day. But with this trick, you can keep the green glow for your whole playthrough.The trick is to always have the spell Recast Speak with Dead, and to do this all you need to do is to keep an eligible corpse at your camp that you can cast speak with dead on first thing after a long rest. Now you might be wondering - can’t you only cast Speak with Dead on a corpse once? Yes, unless you are the corpses killer, and they refuse to speak with you. Then you’ll gain Recast Speak with Dead, but the corpse can still have Speak with Dead cast on it over and over, since technically, they did not answer 5 questions. One of the earliest targets you can pick up and add to your camp is Nettie. Keep her in your Traveler’s Chest and after each long rest just attempt a Speak with Dead to always have Recast Speak with Dead and that glow for your whole playthrough.

On Receiving Her Grace
Next up is a secret book that can provide you with an awesome advantage. If you read the book “On Receiving Her Grace”, found on a table near Abdirak within the Shattered Sanctum, it will unlock a hidden dialogue option with Abdirak allowing you to choose which weapon Abdirak will use on you. Options include a mace, knife, or axe – and this is important because it will change the damage type inflicted to Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing respectively. So you can use this to your advantage by selecting the axe option and casting Blade Ward before standing near the wall, or equipping the Amulet of the Unworthy, which is dropped by the minotaur in the Underdark, to gain Slashing resistance. Also, remember that Blade Ward can only be self-cast so, you might want to go with the amulet if you don’t have the cantrip. This will minimize the damage you take as you obtain Loviatar’s Love. You can also remove your armor for a bonus to your Intimidation or Performance roles to ensure you continue progressing. And besides gaining the permanent buff, you’ll also get quite a bit of approval from Astarian and some from Shadowheart as well and Inspiration for anyone with an Acolyte background.

Demonspirit Madness Immunity
Next up is a hidden interaction with Demonspirit Madness. In Act 1, within the Zhentarim Basement, there is a pair of rare gloves called the Abyss Beckoners. These gloves grant you a large aura which causes your summoned minions to gain resistance to all types of damage other than psychic. However, as a cost, at the start of each summoned minion’s turn they must succeed a Wisdom Saving Throw or be driven MAD, which causes them to attack the nearest creature. However, there are two minions that are completely immune to Demonspirit Madness, and will not be driven mad even if they fail the saving throw. Those two minions are the Danse Macabre Ghouls, and the Animate Dead: Flying Ghoul. This is quite the hidden interaction considering there’s nothing that explains why they are immune.

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Everyone hates Auntie Ethel or Cazador, not me. I hate the bluejay, he’s such a scummy little bird. I was shocked in my first play through when he murdered the eagles


I felt bad killing the eagles, it sounded not right. Now it's clear why. I'll get my revenge on my next run.


just incase anyone is struggling with weight of food you can send it to camp and it is still useable when resting


Ok, I can confirm Halsin can be affected by speak with dead. In my playthrough, I made the mistake of going to the Crèche before rescuing him. I came back and found him dead at the hands of two goblin children.

The only way to advance the quest from there was to speak with his dead self and learn of moonrise.


By the way, for Speak with Dead, it doesn't have to be a completely valid corpse. It just has to be one that isn't mangled and can speak. Basically, you can cast it on a generic goblin and because you get the start of the conversation that says the corpse has nothing to say, it counts


I love BG so much because I can see a "Things you may have missed" and believe it wholeheartedly means it. And it isn't some "check this day one meme out" garbage


Astarion will also refuse to smell the ruptured pod if you found out he was a vampire through him telling you as opposed to him trying to bite you!


The Dryad and her Wood Woad summon are also immune to the gloves madness.


That Blue Jay was sus as hell, so I killed the eagles, then I killed him. Now there's a free nest for other birds to stay, really proud of myself.


Unequipping camp clothing items resets the freecast illithid power. You can also use freecast to get back spells slots with the arcane recovery. Every single fight, every single attack can be a lvl 6 spell without needing to long rest anymore. Add in mind sanctuary and spell casters can have two lvl 6 spells for 3 rounds. Absolutely broken exploit that I love in act 3.


the bluejay was actually behind everything. manipulating the chosen and the elder brain from the shadows!


Only cowards use Blade Ward to cheat Loviatar


FYI- that bluejay is six camp supplies.


There are all six portraits of original characters from DOS2 in 1 act. Just look them up, it‘s funny thing to do


For sorcery point. There is a amulet increase spell slot 2, it’s better choice then shield of devotion since you get 2 points instead 1. The amulet is in one of the vault, you need Rouge characters to unlock it incase you don’t have the key.


Danse Macabre has got to be one of the best Spells in the Game. Also sounds cool tbh lol


You can cast speak with dead with your temporarily dead companions too, you can check that way in act 3 if Gale is on God path by asking him "what were you trying to achieve". You just have to kill a companion while they aren't in active party and speak with dead works if used by someone who wasn't the killer. Also, Minsc can be spoken to with peak with dead too, I discovered it in my evil durge playthrough, I could ask him how Jaheira brought harpers so fast to bhaals temple etc. XD


That Bluejay one is awesome. I always wondered how the hell I was supposed to do that interaction with him. Never would have guessed it was all the way at the creche


On Receiving Her Grace is so "hidden" it literally located in the same room with this little quest. You have to completely ignore game's books to miss this.

Hidden interaction is about dog collar and Arcane Tower or activating Speak with the Dead on Yurgir's throne of corpses... but not about buying Deluxe Edition and seeing one additional Paintine of Lohse (cause there are painting of almost every other character from Divinity 2).

Thx for the bait title.


I just "discovered" a useful trick to have the camera to get at the character height instead of just above your head: Put a crate on the floor, and climb on it. Select another character then move the camera to the character on the crate: and voila: close up camera for nice screenshots.
