8-minute AMOLED Display Burn-In Fix

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NOTICE: This is only intended to help, and will not completely work for EVERYONE. It depends on what type of display/device you have and how severe the burn-in is. It is most effective on AMOLED displays without severe burn-in.
This video is intended to remove and prevent screen burn-in from occurring on AMOLED and similar displays, such as on the recent SAMSUNG Galaxy phones (S8, S7 etc.) and various other devices, including some TVs and PC monitors.
This is an alternative to the long 10-hour videos, and it includes more types of flashing, transitions and colors to help remove burn-in faster. Run the video once and at the end, if you still see burn in, you can repeat it.
You can also set the video to loop within the YouTube controls, just right click in the video and select loop. If you're on a mobile device or TV, you can search how to loop videos for your device (e.g. "how to loop youtube videos on android" or "how to loop youtube videos on samsung smart tv" within Google search)
If this helped reduce your burn-in, please like the video!