Cosmic Music To Listen While Tripping On Mushrooms

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||| Releasing stress through the power of music |||
Music can have a profound effect on both the emotions and the body. Faster music can make you feel more alert and concentrate better. Upbeat music can make you feel more optimistic and positive about life. A slower tempo can quiet your mind and relax your muscles, making you feel soothed while releasing the stress of the day. Music is effective for relaxation and stress management. Research confirms these personal experiences with music. Current findings indicate that music around 60 beats per minute can cause the brain to synchronize with the beat causing alpha brainwaves (frequencies from 8 - 14 hertz or cycles per second). This alpha brainwave is what is present when we are relaxed and conscious. To induce sleep (a delta brainwave of 5 hertz), a person may need to devote at least 45 minutes, in a relaxed position, listening to calming music. Researchers at Stanford University have said that "listening to music seems to be able to change brain functioning to the same extent as medication." They noted that music is something that almost anybody can access and makes it an easy stress reduction tool. So what type of music reduces stress the best? A bit surprising is that Native American, Celtic, Ambient, Indian stringed-instruments, drums, and flutes are very effective at relaxing the mind even when played moderately loud. Sounds of rain, thunder, and nature sounds may also be relaxing particularly when mixed with other music, such as light jazz, classical, and easy listening music. Since with music we are rarely told the beats per minute, how do you choose the relaxation music that is best for you? The answer partly rests with you: You must first like the music being played, and then it must relax you. You could start by simply exploring the music on this channel.
We created for you several long form video and playlists for every kind of taste. All our video has no mid roll advertising, for a much more relaxing experience. Eden garden is the new frontier of Ambient music. It is a channel dedicated to that music able to evoke in the listeners emotions, images and relax as well. Press play, close your eyes and enjoy the music! Warning: for certain users Eden garden may be like a bite of the forbidden fruit.

Check Our Amazing Playlist:
#relax #trip #mushroom
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I see you. Yes especially YOU reading this right now. YOU have struggled everyday, hit rock bottom and survived trauma and yet here you are, soldering on. I love you and I am SO PROUD OF YOU. I know it's been hard but here you are still going like the fucking superhero that you are. And I'm grateful for this brief moment, where we can all be vulnerable, that you got to be a part of this journey with me. And it is beautiful.


I'm a father of 2 beautiful boys and I have a beautiful wife but alcohol has been tearing us apart so i decided to do mushrooms and idk how beer is legal but these aren't. I never want to drink again. This is such a beautiful experience


I consumed 2g of Penis Envy mushrooms earlier and I’m at my peak. These last few years have made me realize how lucky I am.. And saying I’m thankful is an understatement. To whoever is reading this, may your days be filled with love and kindness. And may your future generations prosper with knowledge and love for this Earth..


This is such an insane experience. I've never experienced a more complete and total overwhelming feeling that could never be explained to anyone else. I've struggled with substance abuse and alcoholism in my past. Nothing has ever made me more grounded and thankful to be alive than this substance. Right now, I'm just seeking any type of connection to another soul. This is so insane for me to comprehend that we are putting thoughts into a device that sends these thoughts through the air that hits a satellite that brings that signal back down and puts that signal in someone else's hands. Like right now I am able to articulate and speak freely however the concept of this is so insane. Holy I am tripping so hard. And if you are reading this you are loved and I hope you have the best day. Stay trippy


53 yr old here. The first time I did shrooms was 1987 at a pink Floyd concert; it was amazing. 30 + years later, I am trying it for a completely different goal. May we all find the answers we seek. Be blessed.


I have tripped several times before, but yesterday I was feeling *really* down so I decided to take the entire remainder of my stash - a heroic dose for sure and my first time ever going so deep. I estimate it to be between 7.5-10 grams. As I entered my trip, I used videos like this along with guided meditations to deeper understand who I am and why I am the way I am and how I can better myself. I also explored past trauma and grief and allowed it to flow, accepting it as it is and that it cannot be changed anymore. It was truly a life changing experience. I still have a long way to go, but moving forward I will be using psychedelic therapy to help myself get there.


I'm not even tripping and after reading these comments and listening for awhile I feel enlightened.


I’m tripping rn, we all come from the same shit, were nature, were all nature, we need to love ourselves, we do, I love every one of you, have a blessed day


Currently on my 2nd trip and this has become my go-to playlist. To drift off listening to these tunes as I let my mind flow freely is the most overwhelming experience. This comment section feels like family. Keep the peace everyone ❤️


One thing that I can say as an adult 35 year old man tripping on shrooms. (I’ve been marrIed, I’ve been cheated on, so I filed for divorce, blah blah, and am now engaged again to MUCH better woman) I feel on shrooms like I can finally let my guard down briefly, and not be judged for feeling emotion and love to all. And not in a lustful sense, it’s much deeper than just that, no it’s more like true love and peace combined. I guess it’s hard to describe, however it feels like that omnipresent ENORMOUS weight and responsibility that adult men carry around in their chest and on their shoulders every single day of our existence, but yet we are never “allowed” to even talk about our struggles. Let alone ever complain, god forbid... So yeah, for this brief enjoyable time that rarely spoken of burden that all men carry with them as our role in society, is Briefly lifted. And afterwards, I feel so centered and for lack of a better word, “zen”.

Edited: all I can say is this natural grown plant should 100% be legal and used in therapy let alone recreational if a free individuals chooses. What are we infants? We are free men and women who can choose what we do; or do not want to ingest. It’s our bodies, the government should never be allowed that level of “control”. Live free my fellow humans, find your peace and happiness.


Hey guy's and gals, very first time tripping. Wish me good travel ❤️


I’m currently on a trip I love you all we are all one with the universe 🙌🏻🍄🙏


I usually never write a comment. But today I feel I have to! I took mushrooms/truffles, stretched a little bit until I felt the first effects and then sat down on my meditation cushion. Immediately I went into a very very deep, free and oceanic, almost orgasmic state….. the music was just perfect for this. Thank you very I had many different experiences about my personal life and also seemingly unrelated things. It was very quick, powerful and almost like downloads. Definitely very beautiful and insightful!!!.... but the most important thing and the reason why I’m writing and sharing this, is the following: I suddenly heard an inner voice “Stop searching – I am here!” And what sounds to most people like an esoteric sentence, with little or no meaning, really hit home for me! I experienced a moment of such deep existential truth, beauty, freedom, love and unity…. that words don’t do it any justice…. Pure bliss and gratefulness!
While I’m writing this, I still feel the effect of the truffle a little bit and the afterglow of that incredible experience…. I’m quite certain I learnt something profound there…. something with a lot of power …. also for my everyday life…. Something I can always remind me of…. something I’m sure I will meditate on a lot…… and something I absolutely wanted to share with you, so that you can feel it too and be blessed by it. ❤
Lots of love from Austria, where ever you are! .... I AM HERE …. Sometimes existence itself is like a loving joke ;-) Haha!


The person who has done this magic understands really well what a trip means, thank you


I'm about 3.5 hours in. I got the most profound download earlier. Long story. But what i got from it is that we all give what we can when we can and that is enough. Don't judge yourself over thinking you could have given more or you didn't do enough. We give what we can, when we can, and that is always enough. Just trust that. Trust yourself.


I'm 45 n started shrooms January 23...the affirmations and confirmation I got from it was I just receive downloads erday...I'm more creative and back to being myself as I was when I was younger.. wish I did them sooner in my life...


We are all energy flowing and connecting with one and another, when you do shrooms you can actually understand the difference between reality and your beliefs. As Bruce once said, be water my friend


Hi everyone I’m roughly 3 hours into my trip as I type this. Loving reading the comments while I listen to this beautiful music. These are noises that I have never heard, scratching parts of my brain that have never been scratched. My thoughts weren’t very centered until I started listening to this. Everyone is correct, we are all connected and I think that everyone needs to have an experience with shroomies at least once. It’s this amazing plant that takes you away from all the material stress that you feel every day. Stress that builds and weighs and you don’t even realize it, I’m a 20 year old man (probably should have said that sooner) and my days feel monotonous. I don’t know what I want or what is best. I feel like sometimes I wish all of my decisions should be made for me. Things are happening so fast, but so slow all of the time. My thoughts are always so cluttered and provide no meaningful output. What I want from life? I have no idea. I want to enjoy this very small amount of time that I or we have here but things are always in the way of that. I want anyone who is reading this to genuinely know that the universe is beautiful, why not look up and see what it has to offer. YOU are beauty itself! EVERYONE IS EVERYTHING. It makes no sense but it does.


Just dosed about 20 min ago. These comments are helpful. I always have some fear, respect maybe, for plant medicines. I was having a bunch of anxiety and now I’m feeling better.
I’ve been so stuck in anxiety and depression. Life seems so pointless and monotonous.
Hoping to connect with that self I know is in there who is pure love.
Thank for the tunes. ❤


Also, seriously thank you so much for not interrupting with ads. That’s EXTREMELY appreciated. Honestly bravo!!! 👏🤗🙌
