Can Israel Be a Democracy AND the Jewish State? | Unpacked

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Israel is the Middle East’s only democracy, but with no constitution, few checks on power, and elections that seem endless, can it last?

Turns out that the contradictions and fragile foundation that defines Israeli democracy may actually be the key to its resilience.

00:00 Intro
00:35 The founding of the democratic state of Israel
02:07 What do Israelis think about Israeli democracy?
02:43 Do Israelis have civil rights?
03:27 Israel's alternative to a constitution
04:13 Branches of Israeli government
05:19 Political chaos in Israel
06:14 2023 Judicial reform protests
06:37 Israeli optimism
07:29 Is "Jewish democracy" an oxymoron?
09:04 Israel's cultural tribes as a check
13:09 Shared tribal values and political coalitions
14:15 Possibilities and will

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Recommended video—Could a Constitution Save Israel?

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Image and footage credits:
Foreign Correspondent
VOA - Voice Of America
The Guardian
France 24
CGTN America
Getty Images
Black Bear Pictures Bristol
The Weinstein Company
Bristol Automotive
Israel State Archives
Israel Daily
Universal Television
Associated Press
ערוץ 99
Paramount Pictures
PBS News
ABC News
Bloomberg Quicktake
Imperial War Museums
הלטלוויזיה החברתית
כאן 11
Channel 2
דר וסחרת הפקות
משפּחה חדשה
כיכר השבת
60 Minutes
דוברות המשתרה
The Times Of Israel
The Jerusalem Post
ערוץ הכנסת
Co-Executive Producers:
Dr. Shmuel and Evelyn Katz

Platinum Level:
Stephanie & Gilad Abrahami
Barry Skolnick

Gold Level:
Charles Crane Family Foundation

Silver Level:
Corie & Michael Koss
Lustman family

Bronze Level:
Julia & Brad Berger
Mimi & Akiva Friend
Marci & Andrew Spitzer
Stephanie & Ilan Ulmer

This video is in partnership with The Weisfeld Family Charitable Foundation
Translation credits:

About Explainers: From ancient Jewish traditions to the modern State of Israel, we explain it all. Diving into anything and everything related to Jewish culture, history, and even religion.
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About Unpacked: We provide nuanced insights by unpacking all things Jewish. People are complex and complicated — yet we’re constantly being pushed to oversimplify our world. At Unpacked we know that being complex makes us more interesting. Because of this, we break the world down with nuance and insight to drive your curiosity and challenge your thinking.

#democracy #election #constitution
Рекомендации по теме

This is a really interesting and honest look at Israeli democracy.


My experience in Israel in 2022 is still one of the most mind blowing one I ever had visiting any place on earth.


Can't believe Israel is imperfect. Actually I can, Israelis are humans. Compare Israel to its neighbors it is a successful Democracy. Actually as dysfunctional as it is Israel is one of the world's most successful countries in the world! As a hispanic liberal I support the state of Israel and its dynamic people!


Even with their political problems (all countries have some), Israel is the best country in the ME with regard to human rights and freedom.


Learned a lot from this vid. Tribalism is alive and well in all humanity unfortunately. It works, such as it is, in Israel, sort of...


I love this host, it feels like he has a reason for living in Israel


Israel has a democratic system similar to the British one...based on an unwritten constitution. The problem is, the UK constitution evolved over many centuries of tradition. Ultimately though, democracies only succeed when democratic values are alive and supported by the people.


This surprised me. I never heard of a Tribal democracy system before. Israel truly is unique.


This is the stupidest question in contemporary politics. As if other countries that claim to be democratic are 'perfect democracies'. The UK doesn't have a written constitution either. France narrows its vote to two candidates and then gives almost unlimited power to a kind of elected dictator for 4 years. The USA is controlled by two parties that are so well funded no other can reach the populace. Every country in the EU has compromised its democratic sovereignty. Japan had 8 PMs in 4 years a decade ago. Only Switzerland can really claim to be more democratic than Israel. And Israel has a far livelier, more argumentative democracy than Switzerland. And argumentation is the second main check and balance for a democracy.

The main check and balance of a democracy is, of course, the demos. And the constant democratic protests in Israel show that it is far healthier than most.

The question of Israel's democracy has become prominent because people who pretend to be left wing (their not really left wing), pretend to hate Israel (they don't really hate Israel) and pretend that it's not a democracy (it is really a democracy). This is because left wing politics is a fantasy far more than traditional religion and it needs fantasies like the question of Israel's democracy to sustain it.

For example, democratising the judiciary, as Netanyahu wants to do, is a way to increase democracy and its checks and balances. But the left in Israel pretends this is anti-democratic because doing so will reduce their power over the country. That power is non-democratic but they pretend it is democratic because they are left-wing fantasists.


israel is democracy, not only for Jewish. There are druzes, arab israeli, Yazedi israeli, Yemeni Israeli, etc.s


What if the Arab Muslim Israeli Were Majority in Israel and the Jewish Were Minority & Would the Jewish get the same right as Muslim ? Or It would be different story


Unpacked is one of my favorite YouTube channels. Keep up the Great work ❤✡️


As an Israeli I can totally say that being an Israeli is complicated but it makes me very proud


He took the words right out of my mouth! "I never thought about it that way!"
Well done clip! Yet again!!


Learned a lot from this. Keep up with the good vids! May I also add that I love how you teach Jewish history without primarily focusing on religion.


Now how about a look of the 2 types of laws for the two classes of people in the West Bank?


He took the words right out of my mouth! "I never thought about it that way!"


How would any small country cope with angry threatening neighbours surrounding it wishing their demise?


Very well explained. You've out done yourself. Congratulations 👏🏼


Watching from New Zealand where we dont have a codified constitution. We also have a parliament with both party list and electorate seats, which makes coalition governments common.
