The Seven Laws of Noah

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My good friend at Stern Michael Pierre and I over many years have discussed Judaism, Christianity and Islam. He is a very well read man. A few years ago he rejected his church and their teachings and adopted the Sheva Mitzvot Bnei Noach (the seven laws of Noah that are incumbent on all of humanity). He talk here about them a little.
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We are not under the old Laws .., we are not bound by yoke.. read scripture correctly... Jesus broke the yoke we are no longer yoked together by the Laws of Moses we are only saved by faith no works . Works are not required anymore. Repentance and Faith and believing on what Jesus Did for us on the cross . Since you believe in the old Laws you now have made what Jesus did for you on the cross in vain. You cancelled out your salvation.


Do not laugh at the Christmas tree because it produces healing Balsam used in the temple, so you missed the meaning entirely. The naphtha that comes from it should give you indication as to the fire and comfort it brought as well as the name connotation. Shame on you


Jesus Christ is the messiah, not the "moshiac" who they say will come in the flesh to bring peace on earth. Jesus will return in the clouds, all eyes will see his coming.  The seven laws of noah are man-made. If you believe in Jesus Christ as the messiah, he fullfilled the law for us. The laws believers follow are to love GOD with all their heart soul and mind and to love their brothers as themselves. True believers in Jesus are righteous only because he is righteous. Obeying seven laws does not make you righteous. That is going about to establish your own righteousness. In love, Jason
