Hacking Internet Voting via Ballot Tampering

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Election Day was this week. If you took advantage of early voting, or you live overseas, you probably used a paper ballot you received in the mail a few weeks ago. A digital alternative, being considered across the USA, is voting-by-email.
In this video, we summarize the dangers associated with voting over e-mail with PDF forms. We have demonstrated that an off-the-shelf home router can easily be modified to silently alter election ballots.
Several states, including Alaska and Maryland are now allowing voting over the internet, sometimes with PDF forms. With Alaska's governor race so tight, a hack like this could make the difference, even though it looks like only a few thousand votes were submitted electronically.
In this video, we summarize the dangers associated with voting over e-mail with PDF forms. We have demonstrated that an off-the-shelf home router can easily be modified to silently alter election ballots.
Several states, including Alaska and Maryland are now allowing voting over the internet, sometimes with PDF forms. With Alaska's governor race so tight, a hack like this could make the difference, even though it looks like only a few thousand votes were submitted electronically.
Hacking Internet Voting via Ballot Tampering
USENIX Enigma 2016 - Internet Voting: What Could Go Wrong?
Barbara Simons: Why can't we vote online?
Can Your Vote Be Hacked?
Hack the Vote: Are Electronic Voting Machines a Danger to Democracy?
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DEF CON Safe Mode Voting Village - Secure the Vote - Hack a Fax
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How I Hacked an Election | NYT - Opinion
Election Hacking: Are We Really Getting The Governments We Voted For? | Splendour Forum 2017
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