Resources For Mastering DOTS (ECS, Jobs, Burst Compiler)

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Great overview of DOTS! I'm really looking forward to the possibilities.


Multiplayer using did would rock and you know.

I tink we could use the code to make an rts anyways, , I don't belove there's much difference in structure but just really in how frcuent and when variables are synced.

You know it would be fancy to look into the new physics.. It looks simple and cool

I'm still figuring out the way to use dots in simple ways. I'm really interested in hybrid

What I tink it's really impressive is how they managed to get out transform certain auth time into compile time.

I would prefer just seeing everything automatically converted until ecs but this at least tells me they are giving it an honest try.

Ty for the video


nice video. i've already seen those talks but you did a good summary of them. since you mentioned ui&ecs so much, check out UI Builder and Ui Elements. i think those are built for that purpose..


When I was testing Tiny Project for an HTML5 game, I remember that Unity used static classes and stored data in there, and when they wanted to get something like the game's state or a variable, they would just reference that variable from the static class inside a system. I didn't like the idea, cause this way you're using state machine and object oriented stuff in a data oriented project. But for this HUD or health system, maybe they are using the new UI Elements and probably added ECS support for it. We'll see.


Will you make a video teaching how to make pure ecs games ? (With the new dots physics)
I'm seeing a lot about conversion but not that much about pure ones, could be really interesting :)
Great video btw ;)


My video suggestion;
You known what would be perfect.. If you made a video about using tags as callbacks.. because I really struggled with the unity one.. And I tink lots of people did too.

Second recommendation/req; don't another video about hybrid ECS, using it for stuff like iteration over lists and looking through lists.
I explain: in doing a moba game.. when unit collides it adds to a list..wich separates into two lists: friends and enemies detected.
(Hmm maybe I could add needsToSortComponent.and have a system that actually sorts it into two list for that unit/minion.)

When it's time to attack it filters from detected into units on range.. then it gets the first not null one
I'm thinking that would be the part were my game would benefit tremendously from ecs. And find a video on they would help a lot.

Regards and Cheers hehe


Ltw (LocalToWorld) is a 4x4 matrix. It contains everything translation, rotation, scale


Would be awesome if you could make more ecs tutorials. A tower defense with a lot of entities would be interesting.
