Having ASPERGERS while growing up (Personal Story)

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Aspergers syndrome is a developmental neurological condition that is part of the Autism Spectrum Disorder, or ASD.

Aspergers effects many people in the world, and has some challenging live situations for individuals who have this condition.

Aspergers syndrome is categorised by autistic behaviour and autism traits. These are all part of the “Asperger symptoms”

In this video, I am talking about what it was like for me personally growing up on the autism spectrum with Asperger’s Syndrome and what challenges I was presented with by being autistic.

It has good and bad parts about having the condition, but I believe it to be a super power!

Helping people understand Autism from a person with Autism’s perspective.

Hey from the Aspie World and a big welcome into my life! I am a Dan from the UK and I have Aspergers Syndrome or ASD which is a form of Autism, often referred to as High Functioning Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder. I make videos every week on my journey and offer tips and tricks to help everyone who has Autism.

I also have help videos for helping people get a diagnosis of Autism or Aspergers Syndrome, and also some advise and help for anyone who is friends, partners or loved ones who suffer from Autism or Aspergers Syndrome and just about anyone on the Autism Spectrum.

#AspergerSyndrome #Autism #Autistic

*I use affiliate marketing links and some videos may be sponsored.
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I hated primary school because they treated us like children. I remember being the kid who went out for recess and just stood there and watched the other kids because I didn't know what to do or how to join in. I find it weird that nobody ever noticed and I wasn't diagnosed until later in life.


I wasn’t diagnosed until I was 18. Looking back, it was so obvious when I was younger and many teachers pointed out that there was something different about me. They could just never figure out exactly what it was.


I wasn’t told I had aspergers until age 15 but I undoubtedly grew up with it because I’ve always felt the symptoms, I always felt different from everyone. I was always getting made fun of & put down for it. But in reality, being different is the best thing ever. Autism & aspergers are blessings from God. Otherwise we never would’ve been born with it!


Kids are lucky these days to get diagnosis and help. We got neither, just got pushed around at school, both by teachers and 'comrades'. Many dropped out, did drugs, eventually died. Some survived, often battered and wounded for life. I'm glad this war is about to be over for us Aspies and we finally got our place. Many of us older ones don't even know yet that they have this condition and that dropping out wasn't their own fault, as it has been suggested to them all their lives. It's not easy getting diagnosed when you're over 30, 40, 50... People tend to care more about the future generations. It's quite sad when you've had a life of struggles and losses but on the bright side, in your better moments, you end up feeling like a true survivor :)
Anyway, another great video.


Great that You went through school with friends not bullies.


I was not diagnosed with aspergers until I was 14. I was put into special programs for people with autism so I can make friends who are like me and who can relate to me


I didn't know I was autistic Growing up, my first day at to school, it seemed to me that all the kids knew why they were there and go on with playing and interacting, I could not fathom all This activity and why I didn't know what to do, I identify with what you said about school seeming to go on and on for ever, I learned to disassociate to cope, I was clever, but you said somthing about 'learning style' that resonated with me, I believe when I hit high school and puberty my autism came out in aggressive ways and I began to lash out at other kids, sports, art and chemistry where my passions along with English lit, everything else I hated with passion, I liked swimming but hated the stuff that went with it like chlorine, getting undressed, the cold and the acoustics in the pool itself, I was so sad and lonely and angry during my skool daze! Thanks for you're vids awesome stuff every time☺


Yeah this is all new to me. I was told my whole life that I had adhd, I had no friends. Now at 39 I still don't have friends, I have tons of acquaintances and am respected in the sobriety community because of the work that I do, but that's as far as those relationships go.... I started googling all the problems I have and for the first time in my life I feel like y'all(those on the spectrum) are telling my story... I have never understood people when they talk to me my whole life(always just though I was a bad listener), and I always say the wrong thing in social situations. Anyways I am going to start the diagnoses process this next week, and I hope that I can find some clarity so maybe I can start connecting with those who struggle with the same issues.... Thank you for doing this for people like me...


I would pretend I was sick all the time to get out of going to school. I remember crying a lot in the mornings and having lots of anxiety and emetaphobia at school. In primary school I actually did throw up a couple of times in class because of anxiety. I was never part of a group. I hated the gossiping and exclusion. I was bullied quite a bit and spent much time in the library. In high school I discovered I liked and was good at cross country running. Something I still love and running is something I do most days and it's my escape when things are overwhelming. I also began playing guitar in year 5. Music is great for Aspies 😊
I feel like I learnt more as an autodidact than I ever learnt at school but then when I was a kid back in the 70s-80s no one knew about Asperger's.


I son is currently going through the high school experience. He just started 11th grade and I seen him change every year. Still struggling with friends at school. Last year started out great with friends, but it ended badly he experience bullying . So now he's alone but always reassuring me not to worry that he socializes more online. (Online gaming ) I hope I'm letting him make the right choices by doing things his way. I want to give him his space and not Force things on him. 😕
Great video Dan thank you for sharing your life experiences. It makes me hopeful ever time. And a little less worrisome. ✌🏼


I wasn’t diagnosed until age 11. I’m more than grateful that I was diagnosed at an early age. Your videos inspire me to be proud of my aspergers and use it as my *superpower* . Keep being amazing!!💜


Could you do a video about Autism and special interests/Obsessions? My obsession is Otters!!
Highschool was SUPER hard.. considering i didnt get diagnosed with autism untill after highschool. I always felt different, outcasted, and behind everyone else. I didnt understand what was wrong with me. I had crippling anxiety that made it super hard for me to focus in school. I was also bullied heavily in middle school that added into my already depression. I never felt like I belonged. My friends were mainly the kids who were nerds, played video games and watched anime. that helped me get by in school a little easier. :) Now, after being diagnosed at 20 years old, I am going to a speacilized school for adults with autism and special needs that teach you how to function, process and do basic things in a way we will be able to process!


Great Video. My son was bullied in school a lot. To this day, 15 years later, he still feels the anger and injustice of it all. His dad was a cop and I was a probation officer. We went into the school (in uniform I might add. His dad and I were trying to make a point) and had the parents of the bullies come in. We asked the bullies why they picked on our son. Their answer to this day infuriates me. “Because your weird”. The parents put a stop to this behavior and one of the boys became a good friend and protector for our son. The pain it caused our son is something I may never get over.
I am great full that my sons older sister was very protective as well. She looked out for him in high school. He got into heavy metal and joined a band. He is still friends with those kids. He still loves music. But this pony thing along with heavy metal is a little strange. He has a wed sight called “the Concert Cruiser” . He has been somewhat successful with this and has made a lot of friends through the internet.


I wasn't diagnosed until recently and I really relate to this story


When I was in High School I joined Theatre program. I guess the fact that there was a fourth wall made me believe that the people that were on the other side we're not really looking at me. I really enjoyed it but I still felt alone because I knew I was not like everybody else. I still sometimes hide in my own little world. I think you're a great guy Dan.


I have had aspergers my whole life and i have just been sad my entire life because i didnt know how to make friends and i try but they just laugh at me


I didn’t get ‘diagnosed’ with Aspergers til I was 16. School life was so shit, I was really anxious and I felt like nobody understood me. I ended up self harming and that’s when they sent me to be assessed for Aspergers. I’ve never really been able to keep friendships, I like being by myself researching things like baking or home decor haha. I do have a boyfriend but he lives in Holland and comes over once a month. I want to become more informed about autism and Aspergers and I would love to help people like me.


One group you didn’t mention at the beginning of the video, your channels is great for partners of Aspies. I introduced my wife to your channel and she is finding it very helpful to understand my quirks because I can’t always explain them....I’m sure you know what I mean “it’s just me being me” is what I usually say.


I can relate to this a lot, I was diagnosed when I was about two and growing up I HATED school, was on my computer most of the time, didn't socialize a lot, I mean I've had my ups and downs but i feel I've gotten better when I get stressed and overwhelmed with certain things, friends came and gone but mostly because of losing contact with them after high school, but the bottomline is that I have Aspergers and proud of it


Ahhh so relatable. Especially one phrase "I love learning" I say this at least once but usually more than once a week! My boss thinks I'm odd for loving training, but I lap it up. They even let me put myself on training courses now as they know I will actually do it unlike everyone else at work haha. Loving the videos Dan thank you!
