U.G. Krishnamurti - What Happened To My Body

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On the 6th day the light was simply ebbing out of me…. the whole body turned blue.

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I was extremely fortunate to meet UG in 1980. I visited him with a friend for the 10 days he was staying at an apartment bloc in Bombay. We'd knock on the door and he'd let us in. There'd be 2 or 3 people sitting on cushions on the floor, someone would ask a question and he'd answer, then sit silently until the next question. He didn't talk like you see in the any of the films or videos I've watched recently, or the interviews in books I've read. He was very down to earth and spoke about what happened to him and any other "spiritual" subject in the most simple, quiet and direct way. He didn't speak for too long, didn't use big words, fanciful expressions or poetic language. Those 10 visits were my "spiritual" education. He was a one-off, and opened my eyes to what "spirituality" is, and especially what it isn't. I'm forever grateful.


Whatever happens can not be exactly described in words. A simple way to describe it, would be a change in perspective. You are capable of deep and wide thinking at the same time. Everything connects, you are able to look at things from different perspectives (connect things which never even thought were related). You feel like everything in the world makes more sense, yet at the same time you are aware that whatever you do or know makes little or no difference. Again, and this based on the understanding that our own senses are capable of deceiving us, it is something nearly impossible to describe with words. I can tell you, it is like floating inside your own head. But it is also something unique, since it is based on your personal perspective. You get the gut feeling that in reality, it was always right there in front of you waiting for you to look at it, but you were to distracted looking for it somewhere else. Things are the way they are, you are unique and whatever you do makes little or no difference. Simply do whatever comes naturally to you and you won't be ruled or even bothered by your emotions (anger, fear, guilt, shame, pride, etc).


Call it "enlightenment", "moksha", "Nirvana", etc., etc. - basically, this man awoke to his own reality.


My goodness wow. This is the first time I'm hearing this. Calamity!


He literally died in life. Death is a slow process for most, for him it was a calamity of nothingness


Please upload the full talk because it was in conclusive . Anyways I enjoyed it, I think this kind of experience less state is called in yogic terminology as awakening of "KUNDALINI".Here UG is calling it "Sahaj Samadhi". As usual UG was candid in saying that it happened without any efforts on his part, in other talks he uses the phrase "stumbled upon". Thanks for uploading and please don't forget to upload the concluding recording.


noO - nothing happened !
Bob help me


What he and others describe is also known as a event. What we are idealizing as “enlightenment” could very well be a simple psychological disorder. Look at the experience by those who robo trip on cough syrup DXM, the similarity are exact. The only difference is UG was able to direct his change to match the enlightenment mindset he was already seeking.


If you ask me, I think he took some kind of LSD or mind-altering substance without his knowledge. This sounds like a trip that people who took certain things had, and never felt or thought the same since. I can be wrong, but it sounds like something very strange happened to him that he might not have a clue as to what it was. Someone might have slipped him something or caused him to have this episode. It's very weird and fascinating at the same time...SBN RESONATE


im trying to understand UG better, but its like im not ready enough to hear his words...
