Monato Esprit

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Monato Esprit is a 3D, fantasy-themed massively multiplayer online role-playing game.
The game is currently in the open beta stage of development and is tentatively scheduled for release in July, 2009.
Monato Esprit is free to download and uses the e-currency "MetaTIX" as its billing system.
Monato Esprit follows many of the traditional structures of other MMORPGs.
Players take control of an avatar (or "character") within a persistent world.
Characters explore the landscape, delve through dungeons, fight monsters, complete quests, and interact with NPCs as well as other players.
Successfully defeating monsters and completing quests yields items and experience points.
As characters gain levels, they have the opportunity to use more powerful skills and better equipment.
Characters can group together into parties and work together to achieve short-term goals, or create guilds, which serve as long-term social networks.
Combat is designed to accommodate younger and casual players.
The game features strictly player versus environment action and emphasizes cooperation between players.
The interface is simple and primarily mouse-driven, with a third-person perspective and a movable camera.
To enter combat, players click on monsters they encounter in the world.
Each successful strike results in damage to the monster's hit points, while the monster attacks in turn.
Characters that lose all their hit points are revived in the nearest safe point, and there is no further punishment for defeat.
If a monster loses all of its hit points, it is defeated and can be looted for items.
Party members can select various "looting modes" to determine how items are divided up.
Each character has a number of skills to augment his or her combat pot...