You all played Republics WRONG! #eu4

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Were you on the bright side of Republican Gameplay before this video already?

✦ EU4 1.37 "Winds of Change" ✦

Mods (Graphical):
- Theatrum Orbis Terrarum for 1.30+
- The Great Exhibition

00:00 Hello, there!
01:03 Reason 1: Age
04:03 Reason 2: Focussed Stats
05:48 Reason 3: Republican Tradition Cost
08:30 Reason 4: Average Mana Generation
11:38 Reason 5: Reforms + Risk

#eu4 #europauniversalis4 #eu4guide
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I played Republics for thousands of hours and this is what I feel like it's important to add:
-Sortition is the most efficient for small countries who can't afford taking the event options that reduce republican tradition; with sortition you can ignore rep trad and it's usually a lot of mana/money from the events
-If you play a country that gets even more Reform Progress, like Aragon, you will get to Very Frequent Elections really fast and a 2 year Election Cycle is way better than Sortition, since at that point you should have enough Rep Trad income to sustain it (I still take Sortition first for the event ruler, but after he dies, i swap the reform)


I always look forward to your videos every Monday and you're honestly one of the major reasons i continue to play eu4 (much to the detriment of my productivity)


Definitely a sortition enjoyer. Never have to worry about republican tradition since the "let the lottery decide" option is basically a toss up between two absolutely cracked rulers and one mid ruler. The plus one in each category alone beats out the other forms imo.


I find that Sortion is great if you're not rolling in Republican Tradition and/or Reelection Cost Reductions. That, Political Dynasties, and something else I can't find right now, means that on average your rulers tend to be above average if not great most of the time. If worst comes to worst and you really can't spend the ~25 RT on the ruler you want, you can just hope for the best and still have a (presumably) one in three chance of getting him.

I want to say if you got the RT cheese down and it costs 6 or less RT to reelect, then shorter terms are better from a purely monarch point generation standard. Getting someone young who can survive at least eighteen years means that you end up with at least 300 free monarch points as well as permanent 666 rulers.


Most of the times I just get a young ruler elected, get his stats up to 6/6/6 by having frequent elections, spent 50 Government Reform to flip to sortition and have the guy live 20% longer


Been a sortition fan both in game and irl for a while now.


Worth to mention is that you can also have the forth option in sortition, to pick a family member, if i recall it costs 12 republic tradition to pick him and he is mostly the best candidate to choose + he is really young sometimes. It is also possible for normal elections but only in sortition I saw those family members having crazy good stats


A few key points worth mentioning:

Political dynasties allows you to select a beloved relative, which is on average younger than the other candidates. While often they have terrible stats, sometimes you can luck out and get someone comparable to the base 4/1/1 statline. Combined with the 3 year reelection cycle they can reach 6/6/6 fairly consistently.

The 3 year re-election cycle also allows you to gain the 50 random mana from re-election every 3 years instead of 4, not sure if that was calculated during step 4.

Now it's true that the 3 year re-election costs you a lot of mana, however utilizing the "Republican Traditions debated" event (below 50 rep. trad., 120 months mtth) it's possible to gain 20 tradition at the cost of 1 stability. You can consistently farm this event without running the risk of falling into a dictatorship by staying between 40-50 tradition. (it's easier to stay between this threshold if you are not using sortition)

Overall, sortition is still quite a strong reform, especially for ai nations who are not able to abuse re-elections, and as you mentioned, republics with 8/12 year re-election cycles. However I'd still prefer the re-election republics over them.


On my Florence run for Prince of Egypt achiev I literally went from their starting ruter into 5/4/6 into 4/6/6 which both ruled for over 40 years each with sortition, both were mid 30s reelected from the family so I guess they can be younger than the scripted ones in this case. Since then I usually swapped to sortition most of the times when I play republics, t2 family reform works with it too! Also its easy to max out rep trad with sortition to keep that sweet reform progress growth at maximum at most of the time, while at reelecting you need good idea set, venetian monument or both or you will need to sink tons of milpoints otherwise. Great vid as usual Mr Student, cheers! ^~^


In my Aragon Peasants Republic game, I just elected rulers normally, upgraded them to 6/6/6 and then switched to sortition to keep them alive as long as possible. Then, in their 70s, I switched back.


With the italien republic on force reelection (per decision) you get a 5/5/5 ruler guarenteet. So if you are playing in Italy going for reelection is better imo. If you go for long terms it is basically sortition with slightly better stats. Nice video by the way. (Havent checkt if this is still in the game, at least a few patches ago it worked like that)


"The lottery is way less RNG dependant"


unless you have a unique gov or you are totemist, sortition is better. great video


Thank you as always for great content.
Did you consider also potential max absolutism with the two options? Does sortition preclude high absolutism? What it the best republic build for wide game?


Tried it out in my recent Lübeck playthrough. Worked like a charm. The mana generation from sortition rulers is amazing.
Normal republic rulers are not as great as many people tell. They just say "6/6/6". But thats just a part of the whole story. The time it takes to build those rulers up to that point is really bad for the mana generation. And when they re there, they often dont live for much longer, starting the re-election cycle again. Or you get old guys who re not worth building up, leading to 8 or even more years with trash rulers with 6 points overall.
On sortition on the other hand i dont care if my guy dies cause the next one will be great right away aswell.


Sortition is slightly more efficient than Frequent Elections, but also less flexible. If you are filling out two idea groups (often happens with 4 and 7 or 7 and 10), Frequent Elections lets you swap to the more focused ruler whenever you need to.


So I played as Venice (which has the sortition election events) in a Saturday game and really liked it. Unfortunately I let republican tradition get too low and now I'm a monarchy but oh well


The titles are amazing. Did not even want to watch the video but the title made me do it.


1: You dont have to reelect every ruler, i usually reroll until i hit a ruler who is 35 or younger, also helps with tradition management.
2. Agreed
3. kind of agree. tradition management is sortitions biggest strength but its not that hard to balance this in the midgame.
4. Yes. if you just keep every ruler, this average production is a lot higher if you just are a bit picky with which ruler you keep. I am too lazy to do the math but i am pretty sure frequent elections kicks sortitions butt on mana generation

i like going sortition from time to time but for minmaxing sortition is not ideal.


I actually found out how good Sortition is by playing Venice. The Venetian Government reform is so incredibly cracked and I've found by playing them (and other sortition republics) there isn't much risk with not selecting a candidate either, because all of them are basically completely usable.
