Hogwarts Legacy - 12 Things I Wish I Knew

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Hogwarts Legacy is a game about how wizarding school is hard, and being a student of the magical arts, you may have a few questions once you’ve started it up - like: Why is my inventory filling so fast, and what can I do about it?! Or - my character looks like they put on everything in their wardrobe at once, is there an easy way to fix this?! We’re here to help you out with things we wish we knew going into Hogwarts Legacy.
#hogwartslegacy #hogwartslegacytips #hogwartstips

We'll go over various tips and issues we specifically ran into while playing, and wish we knew going into Hogwarts Legacy. Some of these include: Making sure to go to Hogwarts classes and study from the teachers. While exploring the Open World is fun, progressing the story will net you important spells and items. If you're asking: "How do I fly" or "How do I get a broom?" The answer to these are simply... Go to school! One of the most useful areas you'll unlock in the game, The Room of Requirement, again can be found by simply progressing the story. So - make sure to knock out a whole bunch of this so you can maximize your time.

Another common question is how to customize your wardrobe in Hogwarts Legacy. Luckily, it's easy to do, and as we outline in the video, a simple button press from the gear menu. You'll also quickly want to know how to expand your inventory space, or be asking if you should sell that sweet Legendary gear you find?

Hogwarts itself is filled to the brim with fun and interesting puzzles, so you'll definitely make sure you go through the story enough to unlock spells so you can actually solve these puzzles. Speaking of which... I need to go back to the clock tower... There's a gear I need to replace...

Enjoy these 12 Things we wish we knew about Hogwarts Legacy!

Hogwarts Legacy is developed by Avalanche Software, a subsidiary of Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. The game has been embroiled in controversy due to transphobic remarks from Harry Potter author JK Rowling. Although she is not personally involved with its development, she stands to profit from its success. For more, read our in-depth article on how Rowling's comments have impacted the trans community. In this article, you will also find links to trans creators you can support, as well as charities you can donate to.

0:00 - Intro
0:22 - Go to Class!
1:15 - Expanding Inventory Space
3:00 - Selling Legendary Equipment
4:02 - Upgrades
4:45 - Stop Looking like a Buffoon!
6:04 - Check your Sidequest Menu
6:29 - Where to spend Talents
7:10 - Combat Tips
8:25 - Fast Travel
8:43 - Buying a Broom
9:06 - Collect Moonstones Early
9:20 - Do the Room of Requirement ASAP
Рекомендации по теме

They really need to add a chest in your bedroom to store some items that you don’t want to sell or get rid of. I also wish they’d add a dynamic HUD, and let us turn off the highlight lines that shows up around targeted enemies.


You can get on/off your broom in water. If you're looking for a diving spot, just fly to it instead of dealing with the slow swim speed 😊


Also, talent points are non-refundable so once u select a perk, u cant go back. And it’s impossible to unlock them all so choose wisely


The fact that GameSpot felt the need to include that last little 10 seconds at the end is insanity. Why? Just why?


They need to get rid of the " You cant land here " i wanna land on the hogwarts rooftops and other mountains


Love how you guys won’t review it to not offend twitter warriors but you’ll promote vids about it to get that money


Cute disclaimer at the end there. Where is that for Ubisoft and ActiBlizzion titles? Gotta love the double-standards the modern world operates under


This video was ruined by the last 10 seconds 10:20


You can brew potions at any time in the potions classroom


Okay 2 things I learned watching this: Tomes and Scrolls has more recepies for the Room of Requirement and I can also change the ceiling in the Room of Requirement. Thank you!! (Also, after the Destiny reference I knew I would subscribe hahaha)


What happens if you are on a mission/ quest and your inventory is full, does that mean you miss out on that loot as you can't go back to that mission?
For example I was on the "Percival Rackham's Trial" and couldn't open up chests, could I go back to this mission?


That last part in the video is ridiculous. Was that really necessary?


I arrived here thinking it was a real video


The disclaimer tacked onto the end of this video is ridiculous. If you really cared you'd put it front and centre, or better yet not make videos promoting this game.


The last 10-15sec kinda made me give up on Gamespot. You guys make profit out of Hogwarts Legacy by writing articles and making videos about it which markets the game in the process despite “being against” JK Rowling and the comments she has made. If Gamespot really didn’t want to support the game they wouldn’t make ANY content about it, refusing to review it means nothing. But I guess clicks and ad revenue means more than the very thing you try to preach.


I wish I knew how to fix the awful PC performance lol


Gamespot, where is your review of the game?


Just finished the main story of the game. Definitely would have enjoyed watching this earlier on lol, great points covered. ( 30 hrs.. some exploration and little over half side quests completed too )


I'm boycotting GameSpot for their shambolic handling of this game, not even a review, your a game reviewer not a social commentator, JK Rowling hasn't even said anything that bad.


Getting caught up on your videos now. I thought this was GameRiot wrong channel loool.
