Why someone would call you weird

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A viewer wanted to know why someone said she was weird. That's because that is all they can think of to try to bring you down! Remember, there are some in this world that elevate themselves by putting others down. So, if that is all they can think of to criticize you about, that is a good thing!
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I get called weird a lot and I am genuinely a nice person. I am learning to not let these people get the best of me. Thanks for this video.


"Weirdos" are the innovators and pioneers...


Some people feel very comfortable being just like everyone else.


I get called weird all the time. I know how it feels. I am just outgoing and goofy. IT is who I am. I wanted to change for a while to be normal.. but in the end it was not worth it. God gave me this personality. It is who I am. I will now embrace it.


People call other people bad names because they are insecure of themselves.


being called weird shouldn't be looked at as an insult but as a compliment because the word weird is often used when people encounter someone or something that they are not used to seeing or being around. Being told that your weird is like being told that your so charismatic and different from other people and tbh that is a good thing because there is nothing like being an original person and Not a copy of what other people would expect someone to be like. XD Not to mention that "weird" people are often the most creative in the way they think, act, or work cx They have the most interesting way of looking at things from different perspectives and can have some of the most amazing personalities. I like what you are saying, Marie because weird is another word that some people may use to put someone else down. However, I do believe being called weird is the best thing someone can be called. Even if it was meant to be an insult because sometimes fitting in isn't always the best. CX


People think I'm weird and I take it as a compliment. To me it means that I am unique and I don't let other people tell me how I should live my life.
When someone judges you it is about their need to judge people, but their judgements do NOT define who you are as a person...


I get called weird, creepy, etc because I act way different than what I look like. I'm just being me! I'm playful, fun! I stopped caring about what people think about me.


I have been called this a huge part of my life and it sucks....idk how to get out of the weird bubble. It has affected me in relationships as well....not easy to get your self esteem back if you have been getting this most of your life.


Yes indeed, Marie. Just like my mum told me: "It says more about them than it does you".


Usualły I love being called weird. It’s a compliment to me. But a little while ago, my crush called me weird and not in a joking way and it kinda got to me a little. Thanks for the video, it helped me feel a little better


"Weird" people become artists and enrich our culture. "Normal" people become cogs.

Wear your 'weird' title with pride I say. It's simply a scraping of the barrel put-down used as a last resort because they can't find anything else on you and you've somehow inadvertently held a mirror up to them and they don't like their reflection.

Today someone on a dating site told me that I was "weird", then swiftly blocked me. They also had a criminal record and a probation officer. I rest my case :)


I feel so stressed because people enjoy calling me weird behind my back which is the worst. They even go as far as to try to steal my friends away and just keep talking shit about me to them. My social anxiety has only worsened because of this.


I get called weird a lot, it’s the biggest compliment you can get.


"They are the ones with the problem, not you" 💛🧡


A guy call me:"weird, weirdo and weirdest, weirder" and it'd just disrespectful. 😢.


My best friend lately started calling me weird a lot, and especially when we're around people. It really bothers me too to the point where I don't feel as close to her anymore :(...actually I dont really even want to be friends with her. Another thing is that she claims to be my best friend but ignores me sometimes when were around others as well idk why... :(


It hurts being called weird when you just want to be accepted. It took me 44 years to realize that I should have just ignored them and leaned into it.


Being weird is a talent.. lol
just means you're different; with a greater personality.


Happens over and over again until they tear you down.