How to develop a growth mindset?

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Justin is a former medical doctor, full-time learning coach and consultant, top 1% TEDx speaker, researcher, author, and learning skills lecturer at Monash University. Over the past decade, he has worked with over 10,000 learners from 120+ countries to learn with more confidence and control. He is the co-founder and head of learning at iCanStudy, an international training organisation for self-regulated higher-order learning.
Рекомендации по теме

I had a fixed mindset for a long time. I’m 26 going to college for the first time and I will be taking my nursing prerequisites this fall. Part of the reason I had fixed mindset was because I always thought I was too dumb, slow learner, and getting yelled at by my dad for being “stupid” . I ended up graduating with a 2.1 GPA from high school. This summer I have been preparing for college and I have developed a growth mindset and won’t allow past mistakes discourage me. I realized that my ADHD and my studying habits were horrendous, which is why I always assumed I was “dumb” trying so many different methods and finding what works me is finally paying off! I use a myriad of methods combined to form a structure that works me alone. I have been self studying to prepare for college and so far I’m doing well being able to study on my own. Understanding concepts and applying knowledge instead of trying to memorize. Finding the main key points of each chapter I read and self reflecting my weakness. Thank you so much your channel is helping me prepare


Me doing practice questions. some days it's "oh cool I didn't know that", some days it's "I'm a failure why did I get this wrong!"


Probably an indicator of having a deeply-rooted fixed mindset when hearing the others in the room laugh at the idea of me having an “existential crisis” every time I make a mistake gives me an existential crisis. I’m just observing the response I had, giving my sense of worth to people not even on camera, perceptively laughing at “me”. Ego, shame, and fixed mindset combined is such a beast. Wish, like others commented, the video actually gave answers on how to switch mindsets. Haven’t found much help on it, just descriptions of why fixed is bad. We know it’s bad. Any recommendations on real tools for change appreciated.


I love your videos Justin Sung I am looking forward to buying your course


Can someone have a growth mindset on a subject but simultaneously have a fixed mindset on another subject.


I totally relate to this, I have a fixed mindset and I need to start decoding my brain.... any tips?


But is it wrong to have fixed mindset when you have been doing something for so long that you want to see good results and get acknowledged for your work?


The name is a bit misleading since the video is just about what is growth mindset


Is fixed mindset is also someone whois perfectionist? Because they want to make it looking it perfect for the result.


Whats the name of the full video please?
