A wind turbine without blades? | Vortex wind turbines

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No blades! A pole-shaped wind turbine, Vortex Bladeless, generates power by shaking.
Vortex Bladeless has designed a technology that is an alternative and innovative way to turn wind energy into power without the need for giant turbine blades that can be an eyesore on the environment and also harmful for birds. The start-up was founded in 2014 to properly focus on developing a new kind of wind turbine that oscillates instead of rotating with blades. The company filed a patent for this technology.
One of its main benefits of this particular wind turbine is the reduction of the environmental impact. Although the installation of a traditional wind farm first goes through an exhaustive process of assessing its environmental footprint, especially concerning wildlife, no system has yet been developed to completely avoid bird strikes. Nonetheless, bladeless turbines move a lot less, which will allow animals to avoid them more easily. Moreover, their operation generates considerably less noise, which reduces noise pollution and even allows wind turbines to be placed in urban areas and much closer to points of consumption.
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All that talk but no power output figures. I wonder why???


"When the wind speed is 6 m/s, it can generate enough power"
"Enough power": What could this possibly mean? Why no numbers (watts)? Perhaps, because they could let people down?
I take vortex bladeless as a scam, as long as there are no hard facts about power output per wind speed available.
Anyway, I don't believe in this concept. Much too small wind profile to get a decent amount of energy from it. Even if the transformation from movement to electricity was efficient, which is also doubtful.


This is a good start. Only why make artificial sticks and waste materials?.. We have a Taiga full and Rain-forests full of sticks already moving in the wind, just start attaching generators to each of those trees and collect the power.


what is the price of a blade less wind terbine, how people of Bangladesh will get it. 2 megawatt energy can store, what will be the price of that blade less wind terbine.
People of Bangladesh wish to install
two lac terbine, how they will get it.


What about fatigue of this thing flexing back-and-forth? I remember hearing all the lines on sailboats, climbing and climbing as the wind blew blow blow blow blow blow. Even the flags have a flutter that should be a source of energy


That is interesting. I have seen a similar concept in the past but I do not remember exactly how it worked. If I ever find a link or the video I will be more than happy to share it here.

Thank you so much for sharing.


Seen this design for a while now but can U buy them is really the question here


If it makes economical sense, you’d see them already. Niche at best.


Thankyou From Alaska, Please PostCost $ and Where to Buy


Everything too beautiful and fantastic remains in fantasy. And as a result, 10 years of chatter (since 2015), millions in grants and donations, and zero at the exit. A wind phallus for the dumbest dreamers of green energy.


another gimich to waist your money on in order to tranfere electricty you need wires inside so the question how many flexes can the wires or machine take before a break .


man.. you want to sell this in the US. Stop using fucking metric.. WTF is 3 meters per second in real speed? 7 MPH. There, That's the number you have to use. So it take a wind speed faster than the average wind vectors in the US. So you won't be able to sell it in the US unless it's in a geographical SWR (Special Wind Region), like the Columbia River Gorge. I was all kinda interested but then you had to go into gobbledegook. Even in the rest of the world wind speed is measured in KPH. USE that number, people understand wind speed in miles/kilometers per hour, they don't understand per second unless you are talking about bullet speed. What number do they use to measure a pitch in Baseball? MPH.. And don't give me that metric system bullshit. Because in Cricket they ALSO measure in units per hour. You want to sell something USE that so people can understand in their guts wtf you are talking about.
