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Best paint brush for cutting in. A paint brush review. #cutintips #cutinbrushes #bestpaintbrush #idahopainter #cutin

2 Corinthians 1:21-22
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I’ve been painting for over 10 years now, I watched your videos on different paint brushes that you’ve used, which people think are the best cut and brushes. But by far what I have noticed through trial and error, is the corona Shelby 2 1/2 inch angled brush beats all of those. It holds paint longer, has a straighter edge line, and is way more durable. Love your video’s.


I started using the wedge about a year ago when I started my painting company, I have found I just like the feel of it for my painting style, I can cut in really cleanly and quickly, I like the weight of it, it helps with fatigue when you’re working long hours. The price point is also something I like about it. Im only human and I ruin a brush from time to time so if I ruin one of these it’s not too bad to replace it.


You have no idea how much I appreciate your explanations on what to expect from all the tools you use!! Love your channel, and this is one of your best demo’s by far - keep ‘em coming!


I've been painting 20+ years and I think the Whizz brush is the best. It also cleans up and keeps its shape nicely. The Whizz roller covers are great also.


Hey Chris, do a lot of phenomenal painting on my own, but I must say, I'm constantly looking to improve and your knowledge has absolutely allowed that! Much obliged and keep doing what you do brotha!


Hello Ideho Painter, the small brusch you youse is the one we do cut ins all the time in france . Its realy good for all kinds of nice paint works on al surfaces. God bless your paint academy
i perseonly try the purdy clear cut, not easy the first time, for me only good for sealing cut ins. Thanks Thierry


Kris, thanks for your efforts to improve the professionalism our industry.
I've worked alongside a thousand men and three women. I've learnt something off all of them.
Please be the first American to join the rest of the world after lockdown and use
63 and 75mm ( millimetre ) brushes. You may just like it.


I stand by the PPG TIMELESS! It’s a good quality paint at a decent price. I like it better than the Behr Marquee brand, and it’s a bit less expensive and better in my opinion. Paint on and paint strong! God bless and Thank you 🙏


Nice vid! I found that if a brush “points” well it makes for a good cut in brush. Purdy used to do that but their quality got taken down a lot after they were bought. The ability of the brush to come to a point with a 45 degree on the nose of it when you put forward pressure is what I mean by pointing. This keeps you from having to put twist actions on the brush to detail corners and help control the line on the straight lines.
Your strategy of going with one brush is a good one because you can get very skilled at handling technique details and not having to sort it out with all the variations. Since you do exteriors and interiors picking one that works for both is pretty a pretty sound idea. All you have to do is register the variations in paint viscosity and get your game together under changing temper conditions and you have a great efficiency base that just improves over time.
Square pointing brushes are a total non starter for me. I am going to give those montocks a try for sure.


Round brushes are all we use in Holland! Once you get used to it it works just fine.
I would like to give one of the american brushes a try for cutting in walls. Thanks for giving me some guidance!!


in my opinion, for me, I can adjust to any professional-grade brush. But my go-to was the Chinex 3" oval by Corona. I think that as long as the brush is truly a professional grade brush, a painter can conform and make it work. Surprisingly, there was a brush called Picasso that worked exceptionally well for a budget brush.


The owner of the first biz i worked for 27 years ago did not let me touch a brush for I don’t know how long. It was all about learning prep. When he felt I was ready he handed me a 4” square brush (he called it a block brush) and said “ if you learn to cut with this you can cut with anything”.
It was frustrating as hell but man did it teach me. I imagine it being similar to an athlete training with weights strapped to their limbs. Once those weight come off-LOOK OUT!


Hey Chris, i am a professional painter and i do perfect cuttin and the brush i used is wooster pro nylon/polyester or wooster pro polyester.


Man your videos are very helpful. I paint everyday and have for years but I sure learn alot from you/yall man keep up tha helpful videos


PURDY HAS CLEAR CUT!!!For cutting, the one you used high capacity, its more likely when brushing a lot of areas, (doors,cabs,etc)


I've tried pretty much every brand and type of brush out there like Wooster, Corona, Purdy, Arroworthy etc but my current favourite is the Australian brand... Monarch Oval Sash Cutter brushes . i use a 2.5" or 3", definitely the best brush i've used for cutting ceiling lines.


Thanks for your good videos I have learned a lot you've taken my painting skills to a new high.


Wooster Gold Edge Semi-oval or a decent 3 inch flat brush, first cut in allow 1-2 mm to the ceilling and the second coat will go fast and perfect, if you cut in first up to the ceilling the second coat will touch the ceilling, thats why many decorstors think cutting in is mission impossible, cutting in is like making love, sorry bro to get into your comment section with my shoes on lol but I love this trade as much as you do, all the best for future your product is very nice to watch


My favorite cut in brush is a 3 inch square nylon. The angle brushes were introduced because too many homeowners had a hard time with a square cut.
I always ran a bristle width of wall color on the ceiling.


2:05 that's the kind we use in western europe ( not UK ) the most. in french we call it "rechampir" wich means "to cut in". cheers
