3 Places I Will NEVER Travel

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I travel all over the world, and I enjoy showing fellow travelers destinations that they may never have thought of going to. However, there are some places I will never visit and here are the three places I will not be traveling to. I also have seen so many of the cross armed don't videos that I had to do one myself for fun.
Filmed in Chicago

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Copyright Mark Wolters 2024

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I will never travel to a country where I'm not certain I can exit.


I try to avoid going to warzones but my mother-in-law keeps visiting.


“Hey everyone it’s Mark from WoltersWorlds coming to you from overcast and depressing PyongYang, North Korea” 😂


very diplomatic use of language, done well without the need to name specific nations


I’m so grateful that you and your family enjoyed Colombia. Your video shows the world how much my country has improved.


This is off the subject here, but I must say that you look like you have lost weight. Walking all over will do that. You look great! Thank you for all of the content that is available to us.


The DON'Ts of visiting North Korea would probably be a feature-length episode in itself :D


I went to Tunisia last year for a week, loved it. The people are amazing and genuine. I had people questioning me going there because of the terror attack on the Beach a few years back. Yet nothing gets said when I visit my friends in Manchester (bombed twice in my life time) went to my sisters wedding in Las Vegas, (mass shooting at a concert), trips to London (bombed god knows how many times) New York (worst terrorist attack ever) and Paris (3 or 4 attacks in recent memory).


I went to Aruba three times from 2014-2016 and EVERY TIME when I would tell people I was going they would say “but what about what happened to Natalee Holloway?!? Aren’t you afraid to go there?!?” Like the one major crime that has ever been reported from Aruba that happened in 2005.. my gosh..😂


When I went to Bogota, it was in the early 2000s and it wasn't as safe as it is today, it was known for many many kidnappings. They called it fishing locally. 2 countries were on the no travel list from the US, Libiya and Colombia, but I went because my girlfriends family was there. While I was there, there was a bombing nearby, my girlfriends mother was a teacher for a private school for rich kids and she had a motorcade pick her up to take her to school.. crazy. I didn't get out to some of the local places because I had 4 people around me watching everything. We went to this little village one day and in the main square was an ice cream parlour.. I went in and 6 nuns with the full on sally field flying nun habits on, eating ice cream. I was going to take a photo but one of the nuns looked up and gave me the look, like.. NO.. so I didn't. (being a good Catholic boy) moments later a jeep pulled up with what looked like one of the 3 militaries in the country. the family said "stay still" I pulled out my camera an took photos of guys that had bullets wrapped around their chest, and what looked like a rocket launcher... they didnt' care about me, thankfully. but when I got back to Houston, the US imigration wasn't too happy with a US citizen going to Colombia and they kept me and searched everything, including my photos. looking back, it probably wasn't the good time to go. now is :)


Hi Wolters World, I’ve been a big fan of your channel for at least 13 years. I remember the first video I watched was of you sitting in a snowy park outside an Austrian palace in Vienna! I also happen to be Somali (raised in Britain, which I call home) and just wanted to say a big thank you for covering Somalia with decent sensitivity and in a mature manner (as you always do). Cheers!

And maybe, Somalia will soon turn things around and possibly be able to welcome you and your beautiful family! Until then, thanks once again and safe travels, fellow traveler!


Mark, I’ve been to approx 70 countries and for most of those we’ve planned our own trips or gone with small groups of friends. In general, I agree with your list of no-go places, but as a personal addendum, I’ll say there are some places where I’ll go now but only as part of a larger tour group.

After Covid interrupted our planned trip to China in 2020, it’s on our agenda again for 2025. However, we’re going as part of a 20-person tour group operated by a large multinational company, which gives me a little more comfort. As a couple in our 70s our window for extended travel is slowly closing and having a tour company that can provide security, 24-hour support, as well as solve language and customs issues relieves us of those burdens.

Thanks for all your videos. Istanbul, Croatia, Slovenia, and Lisbon are booked for this fall. Safe travels.


No countries where they're fond of taking your passport and "giving it back to you when you leave." NOPE.


When the smoke clears, you should try Kiev, Ukraine. It is truly a fascinating place.


True. For me, safety always comes first.


I thought the 3 places were going to be Detroit, Oakland, and Memphis


I hear North Sentinel Island is lovely this time of year 😁


Hey Wolt. I’m so looking forward to my trip to Cartagena, Colombia. From what I have seen and read online. It’s the Marrakech of South America. I promise to keep you posted.❤


Politically unstable places? So not staying in the US then..?


Sounds very wise. I personally would also not want to go to anywhere that doesn't have say adequate plumbing, or cleanliness.
