Will China Collapse? (WARNING!)

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In this video, we discuss what's happening to China, the property crisis, Ponzi scheme, comparisons with the US (2008's global financial crisis) and what's likely to happen!

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Will China Collapse In September? (WARNING!)

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#china #collapse #september
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click u collapse also China don't collapse.


1990. The Economist. China's economy has come to a
1996. The Economist. China's economy will face a hard
1998. The Economist: China's economy entering a
dangerous period of sluggish growth.
1999. Bank of Canada: Likelihood of a hard landing for
the Chinese economy.
2000. Chicago Tribune: China currency move nails hard
landing risk coffin.
2001. Wilbanks, Smith & Thomas: A hard landing in
2002. Westchester University: China Anxiously Seeks a
Soft Economic Landing
2003. KWR International: How to find a soft landing if
2004. The Economist: The great fall of China?
2005. Nouriel Roubini: The Risk of a Hard Landing in
2006. International Economy: Can China Achieve a Soft
2007. TIME: Is China's Economy Overheating? Can China
avoid a hard landing?
2008. Forbes: Hard Landing In China?
2009. Fortune: China's hard landing. China must find a
way to recover.
2010. Nouriel Roubini: Hard landing coming in China.
2011. Business Insider: A Chinese Hard Landing May Be
Closer Than You Think
2012. American Interest: Dismal Economic News from

2008. Forbes: Hard Landing In China?
2009. Fortune: China's hard landing. China must find a
way to recover.
2010. Nouriel Roubini: Hard landing coming in China.
2011. Business Insider: A Chinese Hard Landing May Be
Closer Than You Think
2012. American Interest: Dismal Economic News from
China: A Hard Landing
2013. Zero Hedge: A Hard Landing In China
2014. CNBC: A hard landing in China.
2015. Forbes: Congratulations, You Got Yourself A
Chinese Hard Landing ..
2016. The Economist: Hard landing looms for China
2017. National Interest: Is China's Economy Going To
2020. Economics Explained: The Scary Solution to the
Chinese Debt Crisis
2021. Global Economics: Has China's Downfall Started?
2022. Cathie Wood: China's COLLAPSE Is FAR Worse
Than You Think
2022. Business Basics: China's Economic Crisis, GDP is
Crashing, Protests Everywhere. China's financial crisis is Here.


Growth will slow for some time. Collapse ? Heard that before, don't think it will happen, unless there's a war.


in 2008 crisis, if the us did not bail out the banks, would all of them fail? if so, does it mean all the banks were bad or was there a systemic problem in the banking sector?


is that it? all the hates because Xi get 3 terms? Eisenhower also 3 terms. And he is the best.


Hey bro … work still work… sleep early lar lol …


It is good to see a big crash. I am waiting to buy cheap assets when the crash comes.🙏


Unlikely, but watch out for the key events on Oct 16 onwards, whether President Xi's term will be extended


US housing bubble in 2008 was totally different from that of China's where poor quality
housing loans were securitised over n over again. China's housing problems are just that
of the developers overstretched finance . The buyers are ok .When China government ensures the projects to be run properly, where is the problem


YES! YES! Only in the Loser's wettest dream.


What September you talking about, now next year or in 2045..


do u mean “quantitative easing” in 2008 where us prints money to bail out banks?
