THE Fig EVERYONE Should Grow

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We can argue for days what fig is the best fig. Some would say the Brown Turkey for sheer size and production. Others would say Black Madeira for it's exquisite taste. One thing is for sure, the Black Mission fig may be the gold standard by which all other figs are compared. If we had to pick just one variety to grow, this would probably be our choice!

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I have a seven year old fig, not sure the variety, that I bought home the big box store, but I think it's a brown turkey. It's very productive, but we never gotten a good harvest as the rodents always get to them first, and now that we have a dog that likes to chase any moving thing, we have the best harvest this year.


You mentioned ants as a problem especially with the brown Turkey. I found a useful solution using tanglefoot around my brown turkey and a few others with larger eyes.
I wrap the truck with gauze and grafting tape on top. Then paint the tanglefoot on top of the tape. It keeps all the crawling insects off for the season. Then unwrap once the fig season is over.


Thank you very much much for sharing 😊


Here in the inland valleys east of San Diego I used to have a large old fig tree of an unknown variety. The mature figs were light green and about the size of a baseball. They had lovely rose colored centers, were mildly astringent with a strong honey flavor, and I loved that they were not cloyingly sweet. We would pick them in five gallon bucketfuls, and the crows agreed with me they could have the top of the tree (at least 15 feet up) and I could have the bottom half, and even then we had lots of fruit drop because we couldn't eat them all. The Japanese beetles would get drunk on fermented figs and plow into people, walls, and pets. When I sold the home the new buyers agreed they would not cut down the tree, and it still stands.


This has been our most productive fig year including the white fig that we bought from Reid based on your recommendation. The white fig is great in salads and the black jack, brown turkey and black mission are also great in salads but we love them in our homemade jam and thank you for sharing.


I switched from organza bags to bird netting this year and have been pretty happy with the results so far. It was just too time consuming to bag each individual fig.


Where do you get your water on the edge of nowhere in Arizona?


Excellent another video on figs, Water is coming from mouth to observe of eating, Hope one day I will have figs trees, I have dry black mission fig, Eating almost every day


We have our black mission fig in a pot. We can't wait to plant it into the ground this fall! We have a common fig and it's doing great My dad and I have been enjoying our summer crop. We are absolutely fig fans.


Love it! Thanks guys for sharing your experiences! ❤


I have all my fig tree of various varieties in containers to restrict their sizes because I have a new, smaller garden. It allows me to have more than I should haha. I look forward to a ton of delicious nutrition and the ability to share with friends.


I have several brown turkey fig trees, a black mission, a celeste, a desert king, and Italian everbearing. I must say they all taste fairly similar to me. I consider figs almost like 2 different fruits. Pick them early and they are tangy. Pick them more ripe and they lose their tang, taste much sweeter, and are more like "fig newton" dried fig flavor. Here in GA, it is tricky to eat them very ripe in my experience. Birds aren't my issue but rather humidity/moisture. They rot (ferment really) easily, and fruit flies can be an issue. We average a windspeed of -4 mph (joke but technically not incorrect) and the figs don't dry and the fruit flies don't blow away. To pick them, I am experimenting with a leaf blower first to blow away the masses of bees, wasps and fruit flies.


Wow how beautiful place and I like to be farm 💖💖💖💖💖💖 GOD BLESS YOU Guy From SINGAPORE 🇸🇬


Love it! I have a new black mission fig tree. Gotta go find your fig pruning video and watch it. The rabbits chewed mine down to nubs and luckily it bounced back, but it's tiny tiny now. Starting from even smaller now. Can't wait til it really gets going and gives me fruit!


My opinion the black mission fig is probably one of the best there is, ours now is about six years old it’s about 12 foot higher about 30 foot diameter, very productive, early days try to cover it and at it etc. now it produces enough where there’s enough for the birds and for us, just every January throw about 3 to 4 bags of cow poop down on it it’s good to go, now some bad news are Gold Kist apricot from rsi, which we planted last fall was growing like a weed almost 10 foot tall this last storm snapped it right off at it’s graph point, I’m so sick, had it staked but I guess I should’ve had it stake multiple, Lost his whole growing season, now I have to start all over,
Laveen, AZ


I told my wife, you created an opera on how you order your fig trees.

Fig a row!

Oh how she growned.


I love the leaves of a fig tree. They look prehistoric to me. My great grandfather grew figs. I was very fascinated by the fruit when I was young.


I am in Florida the Panache fig is never good in the Fla area, always split when ripe


Desert king and Brown Turkey figs are my number one figs


"Figgy fig." Thank you, now I know how to describe the flavor of a black mission fig.
