This NEW Star Wars Armor Set is Ridiculous

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Assassin's Creed Valhalla has a new armor set arriving in a future update called the Advanced Mechanical Armor Set, otherwise known as The Ironman Armor Set or the Stormtrooper Armor Set from Star wars!

This armor set allows you to blast a beam from your arc reactor in your chest armor piece called an "energy beam". We also have 2 new weapons, a horizon zero dawn-inspired robot mount, and robot raven skin. I break it all down for you in this video!

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This Advanced Mechanical Armor Set pack contains two Star Wars & Ironman Inspired armor sets; the first is called the Iron Alloy (White - Stormtrooper) and the second is called the Copper armor set (Red & Gold - Ironman).

Everytime you activate the battle cry ability you'll be able to fire a beam of energy from the Ironman Advanced Mechanical armor set, it will do a big area of effect damage but you need to be accurate.

We also pick up a new one-handed sword called the Gore-Ripper and another greatsword called the Caladcholg.

With every new pack, there's always a new mount and raven skin, that's no different here. We have a horizon forbidden west-inspired mount in this pack and a robot skin for synin. There is also an animus inspired longship scheme in this helix pack.

I hope you enjoy this Assassin's Creed Valhalla Ironman & Star Wars 'Advanced Mechanical' Armor Set breakdown.

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═════════ Timestamps ════════

00:00 | Star Wars & Iron Man 'Advanced Mechanical' Armor Set Info & Release
00:23 | (Iron Alloy) Advanced Mechanical Armor Set Breakdown - AC Valhalla Update
01:42 | (Copper) Advanced Mechanical Armor Set Breakdown - AC Valhalla Update
02:32 | Gore-Ripper (One-handed Short Sword Weapon) - AC Valhalla Update
03:07 | Sword of Caladcholg (GreatSword Weapon) - AC Valhalla Update
03:41 | New Horizon Mount & Raven Skin - AC Valhalla Update
04:07 | New Animus Longship Scheme - AC Valhalla Update
04:20 | Future Content - AC Valhalla Update
04:27 | Thanks All!

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🖥️ | Game File Data Assets | Pedder & Voynick
🎞 | Research & Footage | Nika, GebakkenDonut

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Assassin's Creed Valhalla, AC Valhalla, Assassins Creed Valhalla, Assassin's Creed Valhalla Update, AC Valhalla DLC, AC Valhalla Update, Assassin's Creed Valhalla New Armor Sets, Assassin's Creed Valhalla Advanced Mechanical Armor Set, AC Valhalla Advanced Mechanical Armor Set, AC Valhalla Iron Man Armor Set, AC Valhalla Star Wars Armor Set Mount, Assassin's Creed Valhalla Horizon Robot Mount, Assassin's Creed Valhalla Ironman Armor Set, AC Valhalla News, Stormtrooper Armor Set AC Valhalla

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🤖 | What do you think of this Armor Set? 👀👀Keen to hear your thoughts 👇🏻


I like how they have a hood with this armor. With this time accurate armor, the hood will really help us blend in and avoid detection.


Remember when AC1 removed a crossbow for time period accuracy?


While they're adding everything except realistic viking gear, they should throw in a Predator (alien) armor set as well.


This is no longer a viking game it's a money grab.


Bro if they could make iron man chest beams they could have done Zeus lightning for Odyssey cmon


How far has the AC franchise fallen from grace lmao Iron Man and Stormtrooper suits in a Viking AC game. WOW


These armors are cool and all but can we get some more practical armor or outfits from characters in the story like odins sigurd etc


Can they release actual historically believable armours with good spec’s? I’m tired of these outrageous futuristic and extra outfits, I just want some real chainmail and helmet without some feathers or some glowing shit on it.


Does anyone remember when Valhalla was about Vikings? Asking for a friend.


I really felt that Valhalla didn't capture viking armour sets of that era. Too much mythical stuff going on without much integration in the main story. Just feels weird running around as Iron Man. 😂


The gore ripper is literally the chain sword from Warhammer 40k


These outfits, mounts and everything look really cool but they don't fit in the game at all. Not to mention that they are way overpriced.


Ah yes just what we needed.

Space Vikings.


Curious, have not seen any armor release in the Helix store in about 6 weeks. This seems unusually long as it was typically two weeks following a weapons release.


Some of these armor sets look like evior is traveling to futures and dimensions taking whatever they can and bringing back to his/her time period acting like he’s or she’s a god, I’m convinced Evior is a time traveler now 😂😂


Great vid man, for me this is getting out of control with sets like this. We are in the Viking era not a galaxy far far away. Im definitely not getting this, its ruining the Viking vibe. Ubisoft wants to put sets out like this then make a AC game based in a galaxy fa far away. This is just my opinion. Thanks dude, Thanos literally snapped his set away apparently.


And here's me, just waitin for authentic lookin chainmail armor of the time. That's all I want. Frikkin ubi


This is clearly a nod to the moneygrab going through the roof into the sky and on to outer space


Wow, Ubisoft isn't even trying at this point, are they? They might as well make a new IP.
