9 Things Poor People DO That The Rich DON'T!

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Top lifestyle habits that separate the rich from the poor!
A countdown of life-changing ways that can help the poor live like the rich and be more successful!

#9. “Sleep-In”- The saying goes “the early bird catches the worm” and this couldn’t be more true as a 5 year study by Thomas Corley has shown that 50% of self-made millionaires wake up at least 3 hours before they go to work. Many of these millionaires use the extra hours in order to workout, plan their days so they are more efficient, and to brainstorm new ideas. People on the poorer end of the spectrum have a tendency to sleep until the last minute and go into their days less prepared. Also, forcing yourself to wake up when you don’t want to can have the added benefit of giving you more energy, as having a strict and consistent regimen allows your body to function at a higher capacity. Consistently waking up early allows you to take charge of your day, just think of an alarm clock as the bell in a boxing match. However, a lot of poor people don’t have the option of waking up early as they are forced to work long hours, night shifts, and shifts that constantly fluctuate making it harder for them to lock into a healthy circadian rhythm.
#8. “Eat Poorly”- The phrase “You are what you eat” could not fit more appropriately when speaking of this big difference between the rich and poor. Getting past the notion that poor people sometimes get stuck eating bad food because for the most part healthier food is more expensive or that poor people find it harder to find the time to cook from home, there is a huge link between success and a healthy diet. Eating fast food and unhealthy snacks can drain your body and mind. If you have ever eaten McDonald’s breakfast, you will know that instead of feeling full of energy and ready to attack the day it usually just makes you want to go back to sleep. Though it can be tough getting into the habit of planning meals, shopping for the right kind of groceries and weaning off sugar, salt and fatty foods the end results are always worth it. Most rich people, though their are exceptions, have figured out early that they won’t be able to sustain success without the proper food fueling their days. This is one improvement that doesn’t require having a personal chef either, as just attempting to consistently eat better foods or eating on a healthy schedule can have instant results.
#7. “Skip Exercise”- A recent study shows that 76% of rich people exercise half an hour or more everyday. This fact goes hand in hand with the other topics of rich people being all-around healthier. One of the main reasons that more successful people exercise more is because they know that in order to be fully focused and ready for the day the body and mind have to cooperate. Exercising can also help you to deal with stress and solve problems with the full working capacity of your body. If you are feeling sleepy or sluggish exercise can wake you up and help you to continue on at full-strength. Access to Gym memberships, personal equipment and the ability to take part in leisure activities that may be too expensive for the poor does play into the rich being able to stay in better shape, but anyone can workout without those things and doing it can work wonders. Adding daily exercise of even just half an hour can increase your productivity and help you to stick to your schedule and reach your goals.
#6. “Watch T.V.”-According to Thomas Corley’s book Rich Habits, 67% of wealthy people watch less than an hour of television a day as opposed to 23% of poor people. This could be do to the fact that successful people know that television is a distraction from achieving goals and replace the time with more productive habits. It could also be a result of the fact that rich people tend to have their hands in more than one business, so they don’t have time to watch television. The study also shows that poor people tend to watch less quality television than poor people as there is a significant amount of poor people that watch reality shows. Dedicated sports fandom and video games are another type of escapism that the rich don’t necessarily participate in on the levels that the poor do. As the rich usually have easy going lifestyles where they can meet success in real life one can see why they don’t feel the need to hang on to the hopes of their team winning or beating a level in a videogame to feel a sense of accomplishment. But no one can blame those who haven’t reached financial success for enjoying sports, television and video games because sometimes it is impossible to climb the ladder with so many obstacles (some that are put in place by the rich) in everyday life. Poor people may need to take refuge in these things to distract them from their everyday struggles and avoid depression.
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I grew up a POOR farm boy from the south, graduated high school with a 2.4 GPA. I decided I was tired of being poor. Now I am a Master's student working 70 hours a week with a 4.0 GPA. I won an award last semester for being the best student in my major in America. All this, and I still manage to workout 6 days a week. Not to mention eat healthy. It started with one good decision after spending 21 years making bad ones. Most of which were listed above.


I am poor but I workout, I am healthy and I feel Rich after a great workout! 💪


If Youtube counts as TV, I'm in trouble!


Most people have no sense of perspective. If you got a job, a car, a place to stay, food, clothes, internet, cell phone, etc. then you are immensely rich, and live better than the majority of people that ever existed on this planet, from the cave-men era up to now. Think about it.

How many people in the dark ages had air conditioning? and how long did those days last?
How many Victorian era aristocrats could get a good used foreign car for a few stacks huh?
How many cowboys could go to their fridge for a quick snack?
Got hot water on tap? You think Napoleon had that?

We live better than kings, most are just too dumb to know it.
What do truly poor people do most? want want want



Sleeping is the most important thing, dont get up early if your not geting to bed early.


And the biggest fact that is not on this list is that rich people are not wasting time watching this 😉


i do all of these, and I am still broke.. I spent my money on a gym membership, books, high quality food, and a expensive alarm clock


I'm rich and I sleep in. One of the perks in my opinion, actually....


So many closed minded people in these comments! Seriously, just suspend your anger and disbelief and try reading a couple self-help books or get on a serious health regime (it doesn't cost much if you cook your own food). I started reading self-help through a boss of mine. I grew up in a trailer park and now I'm a pre-med student and entrepreneur. You *can* shift yourself out of poverty, the mindset of belief and just going for it is essential. What's the worse case scenario? You'll be slightly smarter and healthier but not financially richer? Health, knowledge, and a good attitude are key to success at any job.


Depends on the people you work with. Some people are dumb and will drag you and the team's progress down rather than help you achieve your goals. Working alone will allow you to be unrestrained and unburdened by other people's problems. This allows you to set goals that you know you can achieve. Always choose carefully before you decide to work with others.


I find it weird what people see as poor these days. A person who still has money to play computer or playstation games and owns a credit card is not poor.


succesful people are not watching this


1. have good sleep hours and don't sleep in
2. eat healthy (but you can treat yourself once a week)
3. don't skip exercise, do at least 30 mins a day 5 days a week
4. don't binge on TV (waste of valuable time that could be spent making money, this also includes social media and sports-any escapism hobbies)
5. don't dwell on problems you can't do anything about, only about those you can implement solutions to (you can even plan ahead for potential problems)
6. read often to increase knowledge
7. invest often in things that will pay back, rather than impluse buys. Aviod irresponsible investments like gambling
8. don't live in chronical pain; one needs to take proper care of themselves. Paying for healthcare is a smart investment, as well as frequent checkups.
9. embrace teamwork.


I am poor
I read everyday
I wake up early
I pray, meditate and exercise everyday
Saying that rich people have less pain than poor people is bs!The whole thing does't make any sense!
I don't watch television at all
I don't play video games at all!
I consider myself successful, eventhough I am not rich!
If you have a lot of businesses and money doesn't necesserly mean that you are SUCCESSFUL!
I love cooking!!
The whole video doesn't make any sense!
Thank you!


Rich people made fast junk food and alcohol for the poor people


number 10 have rich parents to pave the way . sometimes its who you know not what you know .


The person in Australia who compiles our Rich List was asked what characteristic the self-made wealthy often had in common: the breathtaking number of hours they work. While we are having fun, they are usually working. I remember the stunning wife of one of our wealthy self-made said she hardly ever saw him, he was always working.


I appreciate that some caveats are mentioned. It's incredibly annoying when some of the roadblocks are completely ignored.


i bet everyone watching this is “poor”


50% wake up 3 hrs before work ey?
It also means 50% of rich ppl DON’T.

But hey, it can be a real good thing if you have 9-5-ish job where you go to bed early and wake up early.
If you end work at night and have to be up in the morning again...
Not so much
