Time & Attention - Ascension Lifestyle Intro To Mindfulness Part 1

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Time and energy are the fundamental resources we have in this existence. In reality, time is only an illusion, created by our physical experience and interpretation of reality. The truth is, there is only this present moment. Being fully mindful of this present moment, while both gaining wisdom from the past, and planning to apply this wisdom to our future choices, is the best utilization of time, which initiates the changes we want in our life, this is wisdom in action. Time (and energy) are the primary currencies you have to spend to enact change and to improve the quality of your experience within the string of events called your life, so you can live fully Now. How are you spending the 86,400 seconds you’re allocated each day? Spending our time wisely requires us to be mindful and less distracted by sorrows and worries that steal our time and attention. Mindfulness is to become the observer by watching our actions and reactions. Observing and having compassion for others, letting things go, and having gratitude for what we take for granted in the present moment. To be mindful means to become filled with the true Mind, the mind of pure awareness and egoless consciousness. Meditation is great for facilitating mindfulness, which is what part 2 of this series will explore.
Time and energy are the fundamental resources we have in this existence. In reality, time is only an illusion, created by our physical experience and interpretation of reality. The truth is, there is only this present moment. Being fully mindful of this present moment, while both gaining wisdom from the past, and planning to apply this wisdom to our future choices, is the best utilization of time, which initiates the changes we want in our life, this is wisdom in action. Time (and energy) are the primary currencies you have to spend to enact change and to improve the quality of your experience within the string of events called your life, so you can live fully Now. How are you spending the 86,400 seconds you’re allocated each day? Spending our time wisely requires us to be mindful and less distracted by sorrows and worries that steal our time and attention. Mindfulness is to become the observer by watching our actions and reactions. Observing and having compassion for others, letting things go, and having gratitude for what we take for granted in the present moment. To be mindful means to become filled with the true Mind, the mind of pure awareness and egoless consciousness. Meditation is great for facilitating mindfulness, which is what part 2 of this series will explore.