Why Kyivan Rus' is more likely Ukraine and not Russia

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In this video you can find a translation of Ukrainian version "The True History of Kyivan Rus without Russia". Please share this video with your friends living abroad. Let everyone learn a true and long history of Ukraine!
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Чудова праця👍 Молодці, що випустили ще й англійською.


In 1869 French historian wrote report to French Senate and told that French Universities should not mix Moscovites and Ukrainians (Rus and Ruthynians):

“”.. All this is happening right in front of our eyes. We see how university education mixes two essentially different people with apparently opposing cultures and historical traditions.
These two nations are Ruthenians and Muscovites, mixed in the general title Russes.
Living between Muscovy and Poland, Ruthenians (Ukrainians), who previously included Russes and Rusyns (Russiens), were enslaved by the Muscovites in the last century. Conquerors distributed name of people they enslaved to itself, above all in order to receive the imaginary ownership of them.
It is necessary to understand that the word Russes and Muscovites, which today seem to us synonymous, are in fact quite different.
This deliberate confusion allowed Muscovites to absorb even the history of the Ruthenians. Like a later political act can influence the history of previous eras.”
Casimir Delamarre (1869).


Thank you for you job! A lot of foreign people have a huge gap in Ukrainian history


Of course Ukraine is Rus'. Like Greece was Ellada, or Spain – Iberia. Similarity of Russian federation and Rus' is like to compare Romania and Rome


Нарешті!. Зробили відео англійської, щоб інші англомовні партнери дізналися про нашу історію з праведної сторон. Дякую!🇺🇦☦️


Moscow lands were the colony of Rus. Moscow region was the land of Finno-Ugric tribes.


We distribute the link to the video among the English-speaking audience!


Дуже якісне й потрібне відео! Вестернам треба пояснювати хто є хто!


Wow. I've always heard of ukrainian princesses and the city of Odessa but never made the connection it was medieval ukraine, this is huge and awesome


True, Rus' ought not to be confused with modern “Russia”, which derives its name from the Rus' but historically is a completely different state, which almost all its existence was at war with the Rus'.

Just like the Holy Roman Empire was actually Germany, “Russia” is actually Muscovy, despite their best attempts to convince everybody otherwise.

Its name “Russia" received only around 1721, when Peter I simply changed Muscovy’s name into the “All Russian Empire” (Russia originates from Rosia, name used by the Greek Orthodox Clergy in regards to Rus')
Under the reign of Cathrine II Muscovites where even punished for continuing to identify as Muscovites, and were forced to call themselves Russian.

Lands that Russia (Muscovy) claims were part of the original Rus', but actually weren't, are Novgorod, Suzdal, and Ryazan, since in historical texts of XI-XII centuries they are mentioned as separate entities from Rus'. They can be considered parts of extended Rus', although their culture was distinct from main Rus'.

In 1493, Muscovite duke Ivan III appointed himself to be the Great Ruler of All Rus'. No other kings acknowledged that. From that point on Muscovy started to make false claims on Rus' ownership.

“Russia” is an offshoot of Ukraine and not the other way round, despite what Soviet and Russian (Muscovite) historians have been trying to say for years. A Slavicised Finnic, then later, Mongolized offshoot. Kyiv was a developed cultured capital when Moscow was just another swamp village.

Germany used to call itself the Holy Roman Empire, that didn’t mean they became the Romans, and all of a sudden had a right to claim whole of Italy and its history, but yet, that’s exactly what Russia (Muscovy) did in regards to Rus'–Ukraine, which is a horrible injustice!


Great Job! Thanks for this video! Of course, it will be better, if text in video also be in English


Бажано, щоб весь текст у відео був на англійській мові. Ви молодці, що поширюєте такий контент на англомовну аудиторію!


Finno-Ugric have long been among the Rus even before Prince Oleg of Novgorod's conquest of Kiev. They were often described as Baltic Vikings who were using the Volga river route to trade in the Middle East


24:20 my great great great grandfather Ivan vhyhovsky mentioned 🔥🔥


Треба аби все було англійською. Лише на слух складно сприймати іноземцях 😔😔😔


The Varangians were the Vikings, Scandinavian traders, who were also known to plunder and raze most of the European continent and occupied countries along their trades routes, such as Scotland, Greenland, Iceland and even erected a settlement on the eastern coast of Canada. They were also known as the Rus', which means 'rowers' because they rowed their ships. The Viking Duke of Normandy, France, was known as William the Conqueror invaded England at the Battle of Hastings in 1066 and from then on the Kings of England were all Normans.


Які ви молодці! Подаєте таку важливу історичну інформацію і для іноземців!


Максимальний актив потрібен, такий контент повинен збирати багато і дуже багато


Боти понабігли. Значить їм пече, що вийшов такий англомовний контент. Це добре


Thank you for a great job! russia (rather muscovia) has the same connection with Rus' as with Prussia ....
