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Simple Man Cover

Becky Bray
Artist Management
Dave Bray USA™ Music
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I love great music at 0600 hrs...sounds like Freedom! Great rendition of one of the all-time best songs ever.


Simple and Powerful! Great job brother!


Brother you rock dude!!!! It's that simple!!! I jam alot of your music, plus I play drums and follow along/drum to your jams when I crank them up on the stereo at home. How you did House of the Rising Sun, Daddys Gun, Amazing Grace, God Bless America, Simple Man, the list goes on!!!! U gotta awsome voice dude and play the strings quite well 2!!!! Most kats try way too hard to sound exactly like the original artist. And that can and will hold a musician back from finding their own natural God givin talents. Whether in the Military or in society as a civilian. I was born, raised, trained Military Family, Polish/American. Teamwork Brother!!!! Purpose. Placement. In God We Trust, Semper Fi. I also have a few drumming video's I made if u ever wanna check them out or need a drummer. Type in (Hutch on the skins ) and I'm on here as well Brother!!! I have an 8-9min drum solo on here, plus 7 or 8 more video's drumming/playing along with different songs. And by the way, Whoever (Dance Fairy) is on here, clearly has nothing better 2 say or do in life than leave negative comments on a screen about people...lol....there's always that 1 negative person lost in the crowd, filled with anger and jealousy, who acts like a stuck up lil spoiled brat, and has nothing positive/nice to say about anybody but themselves....so either way Sir, keep rockin loud and proud Brother!!!! In God We Trust, Semper Fi.


Hey Dave 🇺🇸🇺🇸✌🏼 ..have u heard of Debbie Aldrich? She is on Periscope & Twitter.. I understand she would like u to be on her Show 🇺🇸.. would like to see u on her show too! I think she sent u an email a few weeks ago.. Look 👀 into this Dave! UR the MOST-RADICAL PATRIOT Iknow ✌🏼✌🏼🇺🇸
