10 Fun Off-Meta Picks you NEED to Try | League of Legends 2023

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I hope this video will give you the fun off-meta picks you were looking for. Be sure to test them out and don't hesitate to comment if you did so! Even though I say these are good picks, I do not recommend first tying all of these in Ranked. They can definitely be played in there, but just test it out in a normal game beforehand.
If you were bothered by the seemingly low FPS in the Jhin segment or the transitions, for some reason my editing software kept pulling those from 60 FPS back to 25 FPS. I'll make sure this won't happen again, sorry for the the bother!
If you did enjoy the video, I would really appreciate a Like and you Subscribing would mean the world to me!
Jhin video:
Ahri video:
Thebausffs AP Irelia:
Music used:
0:00 Intro
0:29 #1 Lethality Caitlyn
1:31 #2 Bruiser Ekko
3:19 #3 Full AP Galio
4:09 #4 Iceborn Gaunlet Fizz
5:36 #5 Attack Speed Jhin
7:39 Comment your thoughts!
7:58 #6 AP Irelia
8:57 #7 Bruiser Talon & Kha'Zix
9:49 #8 AD Bruiser Akali
11:28 #9 Turret Destroyer
13:30 #10 Potential Picks
14:55 Outro
#offmeta #leagueoflegends #season13
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I just uploaded the AD Ahri top video as well, be sure to check it out!


Definitely try zyra jungle, it almost feels broken, clear is insane, one of the fastest in the game, you can easily full clear before scuttle, gank then do scuttle. The main weakness would be vulnerability but her clear became so healthy you literally don't lose hp in the jungle, therefore you always have more hp than the enemy jg. The main premise of this pick is having great clear and objective control (you can solo baron at 20 with certain items), great damage, and good snowballing since you get liandrys so early. Got her lvl 7 just with zyra jgl and never had a bad match, her recent jungle buff actually made me afraid she is gonna be nerfed. Try it man but definitely watch a tutorial beforehand cause it has a certain way of clearing


Nice video, new subscriber here :D
I also love to experiment and go for off meta picks!
A few thoughts on your video I had while watching: I wouldn't call letha Cait off meta at that point, she even got nerfed 3 weeks ago 😁
Played around a bit with letha Fiora aswell and while it's fun, it's still kinda troll since you have so much true dmg and even shred every tank with the bruiser build, still fun tho in some matchups :)
Crit Olaf was actually a thing for some time last season, if you look it up you will see a video of someone getting challenger only playing "Crtilaf" haha

My personal favourite off meta pick(s) was J4/Xin duo bot with a friend back in 2013 or 2014, we called it the Warring Kingdom botlane as we both used the skins.
Was the only time we hit diamond

Keep up the good work, gonna check out your other videos now, cheers!


yo you should try ap shyvana mid, I've been loving it recently and getting lots of free elo. The early game is kinda bad but the mid and late game are good. Take first strike, magically footwear, Futrue's Market, Cosmic insight, then Demolish and second wind. Go Doran's sheild first item because like I said early game is dog water. then go into night harvester then go magic pen and more ap. Your E is your main dmg and when transforming into drag. btw gj on editing.


earned a new sub!
my favorite off meta builds are:
full crit garen - collector into navori into ldr for one shots, in the new season the build path is ie instead of ldr firstl, collector or phase rush for runes and works best in jg and top :)
ap jax - works jg and mid and can be played full burst with ludens/night harvester), or ap bruiser with nashors/lichbane/riftmaker with conq
ap tahm kench - hob, (or dark harvest into full squishies), build is night harvester (or ludens into tanks), horizon focus, rabadons, shadowflame, and void staff
on hit panth - core is pta with kraken into bork into rageblade/triforce
on hit gwen - nashors into kraken into rageblade w/ lethal tempo
tactical nuke nocturne - prob wont work as well in the new season but dark harvest with axiom arc, duskblade, seryldas, collector, and prowlers|
ap bruiser xin zhao - nashors into lich bane into riftmaker/jaksho into spirit visage and rabadons/zhonya
full ap assassin sej - rocketbelt/ludens/night harvest into horizon focus/zhonya, shadowflame, rabadons, and void staff
q spam tf - liandries into demonic/cosmic drive, shadowflame, rabadons, void staff with comet or dark harvest
ap ezreal - can build for stattik shiv or without, core is lich bane and ludens
full ap mf - comet with liandries into cosmic drive, full ap items afterwards
ap nautilus - electocute with ludens/rocketbelt into horizon focus + rabadons shadowflame and void staff
full ap millio - same deal as above but with no rocketbelt and dark harvest or comet instead
ap alistar - same deal yet again as above, zhonyas is very useful too
ap thresh - same build as ap nautilus
ap blitzcrank - same build as ap nautilus and thresh
semi-tank vayne - bork into kraken into titanic with jaksho into bloodthirster


AD udyr top is really good against bruisers like olaf and renekton
you max Q > W > E and put a point into R at level 4 for the slow and the faster passive regain
Build is Trinity force > BOTRK > bruiser/tank items like spirit visage hull breaker steraks deadmans frozen heart raduins thornmail maw QSS wits end ETC (depends on enemy comp)
Runes are
Lethal tempo Revitalize
Overheal Bone plating against most toplaners second wind against poke/ranged or demolish if you want
Legend: Bloodline
Last stand
Overheal + Bloodline + BOTRK + W means you can always have a shield up if you use W kinda like green smite(empowered W doesnt give a bigger shield from my testing)
Spells are Ghost TP every game
against olaf and renekton you win in a all in with empowered Q even level 1 2 and 3 but if they use ULT back off as you cant beat them if they ult unless fed or it is mid/lategame
my ban is Urgot but Jax also is a good ban if you struggle against him


Support fizz. It’s lvl 2-3 is super strong and in some matchups you have so much pressure just by existing. If the enemy supp tries to engage your adc you kill the enemy adc. And in late you will still always be a threat. A nice long range r from a 2 item fizz is scary even when everyone else has 4 items.


bro had deathfire grasp and hextech gunblade in one of his akali builds from "4 days ago" yea sure


Lovely videos but most of those are not viable and just straight away. Mentioning stuff that could be played properly even in ranked in the right hands, but for me off-meta is anything outside the main builds! I'd include stuff like Stridebreaker Udyr or lethality Renekton, which could actually be played. Nunu mid is also one that's rare but is actually played in Korean servers and viable


These builds are outdated make a new video so we can troll our ranked teammates even more!


more so off meta builds rathen than off meta picks🙈
