Why Swiftplay is The MOST Fun you can have in League of Legends

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I have played nothing but Swiftplay for three days.

Here's some of my videos I recommend!

Though it's not going to be for EVERYONE, Swiftplay is what I as a long-time, burned out, "for-fun" player have always wanted, and think it suits casual play perfectly.
Now with casual play not only comes lax strategies and play, but also the dark side of that with players that, well, aren't really paying attention, maybe letting themselves "go" emotionally a bit and... How does Swiftplay deal with that?
All in all, I've had a blast with it and hope you would, too. I must stress, it is not a "troll" mode; you just get away with it easier!

Music used:
"Ghost" by @jjcasey69

#Swiftplay #lol #leagueoflegends
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getting gold even when you miss the minion is so nice for new players, makes learning how to CS a lot less punishing


“Summoners rift with less of the straight up despair” insane player buff.

I feel that getting more gold and exp from other sources nerfs the value of a kill, which prevents that first death from feeling like game over as now the enemy is no longer 2 components ahead from that point on


Swiftplay is the perfect bridge between regular rift and aram and im all for it. Feels like you can do whatever semi viable build you want and it works.


Swiftplay has been amazing. One of my early morning matches (which tend to be full night owls or night shift workers) was the MOST FUN I've ever had in League. Both teams just shrug off each other through the rift for almost an HOUR, we even did a mini 1v1 tourney in the Dragon's Pit. Just old, friendly and hilarious fun between enemies. Never had laughed so hard in a casual match, truly.


Getting to play VelKoz top without getting reported has been an absolute delight


"We are excited to announce that this year's worlds will be played in swiftplay"


1:42 we just going to ignore this "little" thing coming out the bush? :P


As an off-meta enjoyer myself, I feel like this (much like Arena) is the much-needed solution to keep silly builds out of ranked.


This made me want to try and learn Azir again as trying it last time was truly a painful experience I would not wish on my mortal enemy. The toxicity in swiftplay truly is way less then in any other mode (even ARAM for some reason) and I hope tryhards and toxic people don't ruin the mode.


It feels like nothing you do matters in this mode but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I've been playing Nunu "support" in swiftplay and just roaming and ganking 24/7 after lvl 3, it's super fun and thanks to swiftplay rules I'm staying pretty even in farm and exp with everyone else despite not being anywhere near minions for half the game lol.


I've loved this since quickplay got released but seen so many people shittalk it. Thank you for some positive words finally <3


This is one of the best addition to the game because having fun is the best way to play


I 100% agree with you, i have been playing league for 2 years now having the option is a huge deal, especially because i have been getting tried of the ff15 mentality and newly the fb feat of strength, a place where i can just play the game and have fun with my friends is all i ever wanted playing this game


Swiftplay has saved my mental in league and i find myself consistently enjoying my thresh games now thanks to it


Swiftplay is super fun! I ended up staying away from it soon after it launched due to the Atakhan bugs, but now that's fixed, I'm sure it will become a legitimate alternative to draft!
There's a lot to be said about comeback mechanics potentially harming the competitive integrity of the game. (You're a Tekken player, you KNOW what I'm talking about.) But I feel like Swift Play is the epitome of a well designed set of comeback mechanics. Mostly because it's tied to Gold, the primary resource that players use to get stronger. You simply lose less of it when you mess up. But because most of the extra gold comes from things like missing minions, it means no matter what the situation is, playing better will ALWAYS reward you more than playing poorly. It's not like bounties which are tied to a single mechanic, which can be manipulated by gaining gold through other methods.


I think that swiftplay is truly the way to enjoy league.

There is a caveat that if someone feeds in your team, the opponent is **capital F** Fed, and that usually discourages most players a lot, which means ff15 is much more common.

I think I have, to this day, had destroyed an enemy nexus or had mine be destroyed only like once or twice over ~20 games of swiftplay


This video convinced me to try it. My feeding laners got to full build and still played like garbage. Some things never change!


I just came back from a swiftplay game in which I was playing Ashe and had a Teemo support, against Lux-Orianna. It went about as well as you can imagine playing an inmobile adc with a support that only works against autoattackers against a duo that landed one AoE ability and killed me from full HP since lvl 6. Still, for better or worse I managed to start farming eventually, landed a few good Rs from across the map and while I didn't enjoy that game all that much, I didn't actively want to end it all after it was done, and yeah, we ended up winning regardless and I got honored by my midlaner.

Overall not the best experience playing League, but definitely the best "I got destroyed early and there was nothing I could do about it" experience playing League. I even got to 4 items and got to splitpush a little and had a few game changing plays. I feel like the biggest reason I didn't enjoy that game was probably the fact that I wasn't expecting to be able to play anymore so I started to auto-pilot. When I managed to have an impact I was a numb to it and when I realized I was actually able to play this game we were already taking baron for the win.


3:09 "I save you, I save SIKE!!!"


swiftplay feels like an improved version of the turbo mode from Dota2 because you can pick champions before queue and decided whatever nonsense you want to try, havent getting to play swiftplay because mel isnt released, yet.
