5 Weird Things that Make You Sad

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You’ve perhaps been feeling depressed but not sure why. Do you know there are some weird little things that can change your mood for the worse? For example, how can cat videos cause you to feel sad? Or leaving your sunglasses at home on a sunny day? Weird things can affect our mood. These small things could just be making you feel a bit down lately. Here’s why.

Writer: Michal Mitchell
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
Animator: Mico Flores
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

Daniele Marzoli, Mariagrazia Custodero, Alessandra Pagliara & Luca Tommasi (2013) Sun-induced frowning fosters aggressive feelings, Cognition and Emotion, 27:8, 1513-1521, DOI: 10.1080/02699931.2013.801338
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Watching this while crying silently is a different kind of pain


I just got diagnosed with depression, and i got in an argument with my friend. But thank you for these videos, they really do help! Im gonna try these


I found that if my hair is tied up a little too tight, without noticing it, I feel tense and get occasional headache. I get instant relief from taking it down, after a long day. We need to be gentle with our selves 💖


I really needed this, at times in the internet I try to spread positive things and messages to people. In reality I felt down while doing it. It's hard to try to look at the bright side when anything is bad going on in your life tbh

Have a good day everyone, and do well in school for those who have their school started!


I shared this channel with someone I really care about yesterday and I hope that you guys help her as much as helped me


I have been down lately and stress to, i have tons of work at once and i rarely go out or talk much, its stressful since the teachers expects me to finish it all in a day, this video definitely helps.


That sunglasses one makes so much sense to me! I’ve been out in the sun a lot this summer for work and everybody in my family always asks me what’s wrong when I get home. I’m probably in a serious frowny face from being in the light so long without protecting my eyes


1. This is why I use no screens an hour before bed, and use night mode and/or low brightness after dark as and when available. 😌

2. I spend _way_ more time outdoors now than I did in my youth, and it really does provide an uplift in mood and a boost in serotonin levels, especially when active.

3. I don’t really use social media, and when I do, it’s fun and/or informative content that aligns with my interests in some way, or teaches me things that are useful in everyday life (such as this channel, which just so happens to check _all_ those boxes 😊).

4. I tend to be around people who are stuck in cycles of depression, often ruminating on past bad experiences instead of the good times; and putting too much focus on, and criticism of, errors, misfortune, and unfavourable traits (both theirs and other peoples’). This has left my naturally positive and upbeat demeanour at the mercy of their bleak attitude, and a knowing that I must be around similarly happy and supportive individuals (made all the more difficult by the fact that the people in question are my parents).

5. This is the one thing that I’m as-yet not practising every day, despite my knowing (and desire) to rock a pair or three of quality shades that not only protect my eyes from harsh glare, but accent and/or complement my newly emergent sense of style, thus giving a welcome and long-sought boost in self-confidence that attracts the very same opportunities and people I seek. The reason? I’m still squeezing out of the last vestiges of an abusive family dynamic, and thus not financially stable (but I’m getting there… ☺️)


Literally what I needed the most right now, thank you!


The artstyle is so cute! I hope the animator makes more animations for the channel


I know why I'm down, heartbreak is never easy and getting back out there was even harder, it's so painful watching someone you love struggle and knowing they're not ready for a relationship was soul-crushing


I don't use my phone nowdays that often, i sit in my balcony for atleast 3 hours under the sunlight, i go out on walks but still... I feel sad and uselsss all the time, i start crying suddenly without any reasons


Well this just timed perfectly well, I am feeling kinda blue because I'm kinda ill physically and kinda tired mentally so maybe I'll try these tips. Also I love the references


I’m always feeling down, it’s honestly just natural to me. Always feeling down and sad. I’ve found it hard to be in the light due to how warm it’s been, can’t take the heat well at all.


This is probably the reasons why I do feel down. Thank you !



I started this channel 2020 but it got to a point i got tired and quit because I thought growing Channel would be so easy but now i realized i need to keep onto it and to create a very good CONTENT that you will benefited from and i also realized that *SUCCESS TAKE TIME and to NEVER GIVER UP ON THE PURSUIT OF ONES DREAM* so am back fully now with high determination, persistence and relentlessness.

So my aim of telling you this story is to let you know that *SUCCESS TAKE TIME AND TO NEVER GIVE UP ON THE PURSUIT OF YOUR DREAM*

I Love You 💗


I have not been in a good state, waking up late, constant sadness, zero productivity, feeling no motivation, lack of things to do and constant urge to try something new but failing it miserably, i need something to wake me up and just get me back on the track i just hope it helps ☹️


I'm dealing with a lot in my life at present.I won't go into details.I need provisions, peace and to be better to myself, and not to be hard on myself.I miss the people who I love and doing the things that make me happy.Thank you for allowing me to share.


I am going to try the sunlight exposure (with sunglasses) today. I've been diagnosed with Idiopathic Hypersomnia and Clinical Depression (of which I'm currently having a relapse.) Even if my mood / life improves a little, it'll be worth it. Thank you for making this video.


I’ve been feeling pretty down for a while now, but the re:zero reference gave me a brief smile. So thank you for that.
