Batman REVEALS the REAL DARK reason why he doesn't kill villains #shorts #batman #dcuniverse #comics

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Song: Heartbroke • Miri Dawn (2022)

Who's your favorite Batman villain?

Clayface for me.


Believe it or not, the tragedy of Jason's death depicted in the "Under the Red Hood" movie was literally nothing compared to the comic book's version. Originally, Jason fell for Joker's trap because he was looking for his mother, and after finding her, he realized too late that she worked for the clown and planned to betray her own son. After standing around smoking while ignoring her own son getting horribly beaten, she too was betrayed and locked in the warehouse, whereupon they are both killed in the explosion. The saddest thing here is that Jason tried to save her instead of just trying to escape alone, which shows what a good boy he was.


How Joker isn’t on death row is beyond me


Joker murdering a bunch of babies
Batman “your going back to Arkham Asylum Joker where you will never hurt anyone again”
Joker: 🗿


Ive never questioned why Batman doesn't kill the Joker. I question why no one else has.


Everyone is like "Why doesn't Batman kill?" Or "Batman should kill the Joker!". Meanwhile, I'm like "Why doesn't the justice system execute his ass. Oh, don't give me that insanity excuse. Joker is proven repeatedly to be more dangerous than any insane person. The electric chair should be his last act on Earth."


"Jason, the writer needs to milk me"
"Understandable have a nice day"


Poor Jason. Keep in mind that he accomplished some truly magnificent things as Robin that very few sidekicks can dream of, such as directly defeating Warlord Mongul or being admitted into the Teen Titans. He must have thought as the Joker hit him with the crowbar him that he deserved a more heroic ending.


Superman: "Whatever Bruce. 😐" *Snaps Joker's Head*


The real reason Batman won't kill the Joker is because the Joker is just too popular a villain, it fact the Joker was to be a one time villain when he was introduced in Batman issue 1 killed off at the end, yet the then head of DC comics said the Joker was too good a villain and insisted he be used again.


Why Batman won't kill Joker runs deeper than you think. Joker and Batman see eachother as the same, men who after a significant event in their lives were changed forever. Batman won't kill the Joker because if there is any hope that he can be redeemed then there's hope he can too, Joker meanwhile wants Batman to kill him more than anything, he needs to know that he's not alone, that he's not a mistake, that anyone if pushed hard enough will abandon their convictions and morals like he did.

In the Killing Joke, when Barman admits that he wont kill him because he still has hope, Joker actually breaks character to tell Batman "Sorry, no, it's far too late for that." It was that moment Batman got his answer, that there would never be any going back, that the boy in that alley died woth his parents and the dark knight is all there ever will be. So in the final page of the comic, Batman does kill the Joker as they laugh at one last Joke, Batman accepts his fate, and the Joker's final moment is one of peace knowing that he wasn't alone.


I immagined a story once were the joker is escapeing batman again but manages to lose him on a rooftop, but then someone with the face obscured finds him by chance and points a gun at him; the joker is unimpressed until this guy start shooting at him in the abdomen, the joker is shocked by the calm of this person (we never see his/her face) and starts to panic becouse he realise that that's it. Batman arrives having heard the shots and while the joker is dying asks just "why?" not in an angry tone, just a single question. The shooter lowers the weapon and says "Becouse if I was someone forced to witness my alter ego do half the atrocities he has done, I would have begged for this to happen a long time ago. Treat others the same way you want to be treated " and the joker dies while desperate becouse he realize that the guy who killed him did it with a clear conscience and is not a broken soul like him.


Me: *Wondering why Batman doesn't at the very least cripple Joker permanently so he won't be running around.*


Arguably batman not ending the jokers reign of terror cost far more than 1 life.


Could you imagine hearing "Batman started killing" as a criminal


Keaton's batman doesn't have to hear all that, he stop the villans with no problem if it's necesary.


So Batman basically admitted that he’s just as insane as the people he fights


Killing someone to stop them from murdering others doesn't make you evil. Not stopping them, when you have the power to, makes you not only weak, but evil as well.


"He's killed innocents, mothers, and children"

I knew it! Mothers and their kids are NEVER innocent!


If the joker died to someone, then no one will blame you for the actions. Some may even see you as a saint except for batman. There's a line between stability and insanity. Batman suffers from insanity complex. He thinks if he institutionalized Joker, then he can be redeemed in time. He does this over and over again in the hope of gaining results. You can't just fix this level of crazy.

Sometimes death is the *ONLY* answer for men like him. I mean, he's willing to actually kill darkseid for Damien but won't kill the Joker. The only difference is that one is a man, and the other is a God of destruction.
